Did Noah ever suspect that his wife may have been cheating?

by jwfacts 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jwfacts

    Apparantly all nations came from Noah.

    In ***it-1p.329OriginofNations*** it says that


    Aryan Branch - Speech: Indo-European (***it-1p.1255Japheth*** They appear to have spread from the Caucasus eastward into Central Asia and westward through Asia Minor to the islands and coastlands of Europe and perhaps all the way to Spain. Arabian traditions claim that one of Japheth’s sons was also the progenitor of the Chinese peoples.)

    HAM Hamitic Branch - Speech: Afro-Asiatic ( ***it-1p.1023Ham***The Ethiopians, Egyptians, some Arabian and African tribes, and the Canaanites)


    Semitic Branch Speech: Asiatic (***it-2p.919Shem*** Shem was thus the progenitor of the Semitic peoples: the Elamites, the Assyrians, the early Chaldeans, the Hebrews, the Aramaeans (or Syrians), various Arabian tribes, and perhaps the Lydians of Asia Minor)

    If my wife had a white baby, and then a black baby, I might believe the black one was a genetic throw back, but if the third child was Asian I would strongly suspect that she was cheating on me. I wonder why Noah did not suspect anything?

  • Leolaia

    Also you might be interested that there is a story in 1 Enoch (ch. 105) that Methuselah thought that Lamech's own wife was fooling around with one of the fallen angels upon seeing the baby Noah.

  • Clam

    Surely the children were the first of their kind though, so they must have been seen as special and unique rather than with suspicion? After all, it's not as though Noah and his Wife had a black milkman or postman.

  • Kaput

    Sheesh, jwfacts...

    Remember the Rainbow Covenant? In the Book of Noah, it explains the esoteric meaning of it. Noah had all the different future colors and races of men in his testes. Ya gotta do your research, man!

  • jwfacts

    Hey Leo, thats very amusing, I wonder what was so unusual about Noah?

    Clam "must have been seen as special and unique", my daughter hates it when I tell her that she is 'special'.

    Kaput, that word testes, I don't even want to go there.

  • MadTiger

    Seriously, just like with dogs, for example, the genetic variety exists within us.

    With selective mating, we have enhanced those sons' physical differences.

    (I know I could say that better, but it is 6:56am, and I am not fully awake yet!)

  • Kaput

    Kaput, that word testes, I don't even want to go there.

    Okay, okay....don't get testy.

  • avidbiblereader

    1 Cor 4:6 Now, brothers, these things I have transferred so as to apply to myself and A·pol´los for YOUR good, that in our case YOU may learn the [rule]: “Do not go beyond the things that are written,” in order that YOU may not be puffed up individually in favor of the one against the other


  • LovesDubs

    Since it was only Noah, his wife daughters and sons in law...you are saying Noahs wife slept with one of her Sons in law??? what a ho.

  • moshe

    While a JW laughed at me when I told him this, but anthropologists say it would take 10,000 years- 300+ generations for a dark skinned person to change to white skin or the reverse to occur. I can't prove this genetically, it's not my field, but I have read this on more than one occasion that it would have taken over 10,000 years for the single race of Adam to become all the races we have today. And since we know that different races have existed since the time of recorded history you would need to add 10,000 years to that, so now we're talking over 15,000 years minimum to Adam. This does not support the JW timeline, so I assume that is why the JW elder laughed at my ignorance of Bible truths.

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