Apparantly all nations came from Noah.
In ***it-1p.329OriginofNations*** it says that
Aryan Branch - Speech: Indo-European (***it-1p.1255Japheth*** They appear to have spread from the Caucasus eastward into Central Asia and westward through Asia Minor to the islands and coastlands of Europe and perhaps all the way to Spain. Arabian traditions claim that one of Japheth’s sons was also the progenitor of the Chinese peoples.)HAM Hamitic Branch - Speech: Afro-Asiatic ( ***it-1p.1023Ham***The Ethiopians, Egyptians, some Arabian and African tribes, and the Canaanites)
Semitic Branch Speech: Asiatic (***it-2p.919Shem*** Shem was thus the progenitor of the Semitic peoples: the Elamites, the Assyrians, the early Chaldeans, the Hebrews, the Aramaeans (or Syrians), various Arabian tribes, and perhaps the Lydians of Asia Minor)If my wife had a white baby, and then a black baby, I might believe the black one was a genetic throw back, but if the third child was Asian I would strongly suspect that she was cheating on me. I wonder why Noah did not suspect anything?