Man is MUCH older than the JW's or other Christian groups claim. The don't understand that in the OT, the term "son" is sometimes used for grandson or even great grandson. Many think all the generations are included but some are not. Only the ones needed for a specific reason, or the ones closet to the main character being spoken of at the time. In other words, many generations are skipped in the OT. That would make sense because there is no way anyone can record over 15,000 years of generations in one book! So man, like scientists say is much older than a few thousand years. Lilly
Did Noah ever suspect that his wife may have been cheating?
by jwfacts 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
10,000 years- 300+ generations for a dark skinned person to change to white skin
Great information. The flood can not be taken literally for a great number of reasons. Here is yet another one. In another thread I recently asked if faith was a virtue, and certainly in the case of JWs it is not. If a person believes something after compounding layers of evidence it is not faith but utter foolishness.