Terry's thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/127651/1.ashx got me to thinking about this.
One of the characteristics of the WTS is to "weather the storm" of a major disappointment, and, as evidenced by the last two major cycles, count on the death (as much in a literal sense as a figurative one) of the generation of JWs that went through that debacle...and thence to recommence with the eschatological emphasis as if nothing had happened.
The post-1925 period is perhaps even more exemplative of this than the post-1914 period, because a good many Bible Students, grasping at every straw to salvage their belief system, swallowed the chronological recalculations and Jubilee-cycle antitype interpretations, which extended 1914 to 1925. But 1925 was the last straw for most of them. It initiated a major revolt among the rank-and-file (and especially the elders...the leaders of "that generation") which haunted the WTS for the next 20 years, and a chronological review of the Watchtower articles and books during the entire Rutherford period shows a preoccupation with vilifying those who dared to remind of that debacle.
With the 50s came a major expansion in the WTS, and a consequent dilution of that disillusioned group. Those that were still alive, and who were still JWs, had by that time invested so much of their lives into that way of life that...well, how could they find the muster to dump off 40 years of life energy and say, finally, "Well, I was wrong, wasn't I? I guess I'll have to start all over." So, by death or by surrender, that generation died.
The same can be said about the post 1975 era. And now, with far fewer than one in ten of JWs alive today who went through 1975, and with all of those having expended another 30 years of their lives in some form of denial--what are they to do? They do like my folks, and my brother: say nothing, other than "where else are we to go?", or "Well, it didn't really happen like that."
As a consequence, the WTS could come out tomorrow with a "new revelation" about the beginning of the end times (rather along the lines of what Ray Franz mentioned, the atomic age, or something like that), and the vast majority of JWs today would have no idea that this was just another repeat in the cycle. It would, in fact, for them, be a new truth.