That says it all about speculation, it does nothing to bolster faith in God and Christ and bring them glory, it is a waste of time, it has been a monkey on the org's back ...
It's been a monkey on their back alright. I think many JW doctrines by their very nature make it that way.
The JW doctrine of the Great Crowd for example is inextricably linked to the concept of a generation that will see the end.
IOW If the "End" cannot be located within the lifetimes of a given group of people, then the Great Crowd can't be identified because a person can't even be a "Prospective" member of the Great Crowd if the "End" lies outside the farthest boundary of their lifetime. (Which is why the JW's teach that from the dawn of Christianity clear up until the 20th century, there was only a heavenly hope.)
Following through on their 1995 "Adjustment" would logically require other, more serious adjustments to JW doctrine which the leadership doesn't seem prepared to make. (e.g. What exactly happened in 1935, How could it be said that the heavenly calling is closed, How could it be said that the "Other Sheep" are an earthly class if they are separate and distinct from the "Great Crowd" etc.)