I don't mind discussing these things at all. I'm still trying to figure out exactly where I stand with the scriptures. And none of my present beliefs are set in stone. So I welcome discussing them anytime and appreciate your views.
With Matthew 25 I was trying to show that there are two widely accepted interpretations of this text. That is why I gave both. Also, just to let you know, I never came to the conclusion that God's plan was to convert whole nations of people from the WT or Russell. I got this conclusion by reading the scritpures on my own. I just wanted to let you know, I am not influenced currently by the WT. I also did not agree with many of their teachings while I was a Witness.
about being hungry, thirsty, unclothed, etc. I don't think this is supposed to be taken literally. This is an illustration to teach a lesson. I believe it is showing that the judgement of all non-believers will be on the treatment they give to God's people. Whether the time period was in Jesus day, or now, or during the Millennial age. Of course people can be judged by their actions now especially if they persecute God's people but they will not be aware of their wrongdoing until they are before the throne of Christ. That is when their judgement day arrives. Then if they repent, I believe they will be allowed into the kingdom. Remember Ninevah, this whole nation had judgement declared onto them for their wrongdoings but they repented and were spared.
About the text in Acts 15. I'm glad you posted that one. This is a quotation taken from Amos 9:11,12. Some see this as setting forth a sequence of the end times including 1. the church age (taking out a people for himself or Christians). Verse 14 - This is the time we are still in. 2. The restoration of Isreal in fulfillment of the Abrahamic convenant.Verse 16 and 3. The final salvation of the rest of the Gentiles. Ones that are not converted yet upon Christ's arrival. Verse 17-18. We are in the end times or last days now and have been I believe since Christ's incarnation. But this is another whole discussion.
One more thing on Matthew 25, I see the church being rewarded or chatised first. Then Christ sitting on the throne to judge all others. Israel first then the rest of the Gentiles. This is done during the same time period but is not one literal day. Again, I think Russell was correct on this but I did not get this view from him. There are many other Christians I know who have this same view.
About converting the nations. There are way too many OT prophecies concering this to list here. Maybe next week I will start a new thread on this topic and we can discuss there. My belief is that a loving God would and could convert all peoples in the world. And at least open their eyes and hearts to the truth about his son so that they can accept it. someone once asked me if God had it in his power to make himself known to all mankind and did not do it, would I consider him a loving God. My answer is no. And gladly I found that God IS going to try to convert all mankind. (the ransom was for ALL, not some) Of course some will still be stubborn goats and not obey. But most likely 99.9% of mankind will convert and be saved. A constant theme thru out the whole Bible is the restoration of all things. All God's prophets fortold this event. And when Jesus comes again, this will be put into motion.
Acts 3:21
He (Jesus) must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets
Peace, Lilly