Comments You Will Not Hear at the 1-21-07 WT Study (Day Near)

by blondie 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Clam

    Great stuff Blondie as always.

    The creator of the universe in all his infinite and powerful majesty has chosen to reveal his purpose through this second rate naive literature. It makes sense doesn't it? As do the continuing false starts: over one hundred years of living in the time of the end. Enough to test the patience of all but those destined to spend 1000 years in paradise earth - oh and the remnant. I just feel pity for the poor buggers who still take all this in.


  • moomanchu

    Thanks for the study blondie, it's the S.O.S. from the WTS.

    I enjoy your watchtower study much more than the ones at the kingdum hall, plus I got my Coffee, PJ's, warm house, comfy chair (uh oh materialism ahhh).

    Yoda hate WTS, spread fear they do.

    Fear leads to anger.

    Anger leads to hate.

    Hate leads to suffering.

  • willyloman

    5) Millions of others, however, eagerly an­ticipate the arrival of Jehovah's day. Millions of othersonly 6.5 million JWs,

    How many of these 'millions' eagerly anticipate the arrival of that day only because they are told to? Because the message is pounded into their heads at every turn, at every meeting, every convention, in every magazine and publication - meetings they are required to attend, writings they are required to read and regurgitate?

    And how many of those few millions, 6.5, out of billions of inhabitants of earth, really believe the end is coming soon and demonstrate this by live their lives accordingly? How many are just payng lip service to the concept because they are captives of an organization that also holds their families hostage? How many sit and listen politely because of personal or business ties they cannot or will not sever? How many let the message go in one ear and out the other and then stick around for the social aspects and benefits?

    Take all those millions out of the equation and you've got, what? A couple of elders and four little old ladies in each congregation who are
    eagerly" awaiting the day of Jehovah. Add in the zealots living in their bubble in Brooklyn or Paterson, and there's your "millions" right there - if by millions they mean "hundreds."

  • Clam

    BTW with the day near it's worth seeking clarity on whether it's necessary to be a JW to survive. . .

    "Do they believe that they are the only ones who will be saved? No. ... Jesus admonished that we should not be judging one another. We tend to look on the outward appearance. God looks on the heart." (Jehovah’s Witnesses in the 20th Century, 1978, p 27)

    "You must be part of Jehovah’s organization, doing God’s will, in order to receive his blessing of everlasting life." (You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, 1982, p256)

    "Who will live through Armageddon? Only those who obey the bible command to seek Jehovah... How does one seek Jehovah and seek righteousness? By coming into the ‘one flock’ of the right shepherd." (From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained, p 58)

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Good job, as usual, Blondie..

    Just recently a Bethelite gave a guest lecture at out KH; after a long-winded bombast of some 90 minutes, he concluded with the portentious announcement that ``at the annual meeting, one of the GB speakers told the hushed crowd of elite JWs ``I've been charged to declare to you all that we of the GB are convinced that the end is very, very near!"

    ..... Well, that settles it, I guess... right from the horse's (mouth?)

  • kerj2leev

    You mean to tell me if the big A comes we won't have the Super Bowl!! What a minute sister, now you're going to far!

    Good work Blondie, as usual!

  • iamfreenow

    An excellent review Blondie, and as you say, nothing new at all.

    But when is there anything new from the WTBTS these days? It seems to me that anything new tends to have an adverse affect on the older JWs. like the generation change in 1995, which postponed armageddon again for people who had already been waiting far longer than they thought they would have to anyway. I was an adult in 1975, and pioneered from 1967, despite having two toddlers in tow for most of the years, due to the "urgency" of the times. Of course when 1975 came and went, we were disappointed but accepted the Watchtowers reasoning, and got on with it.

    I very much doubt that however near they advertise the end as being, they will never be able to drum up the same enthusiasm as they did for 1975. They know better these days than try to predict an exact date after the 1975 debacle, and proclaiming the end is near won't have the same effect as actually naming the year. The congregations are used to being told the end is near, they've been hearing it throughout their time as JWs. The tract campaigns, year text and special watchtower articles might have some effect, but the fervour which we all felt between 1966 and 1975 won't be repeated, even though the information has been.

  • Hecklerboy

    Articles like this just prove one thing. That Satan was right all along when he and God argued over Job and weather man would worship God if they had nothing to gain. This article is telling people to worship God and survive. Not to worship God out of love. I wonder how many Witneeses or even Christians there would be if there was no prize at the end. Would people worship God if they had nothing to gain out of it. I highly doubt it.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Friends,

    Please heed a most urgent warning and be advised of the following recommendations:

    "But we cannot be far from our change; and we advise that all of the Lord's people live day by day just as though this was the last day on this side of the veil, and that tonight or tomorrow would usher us into the glorious things beyond the veil."
    "While we are not certain that all the dire calamities of the day of the Lord will befall the earth within the next eleven months, nevertheless, there seems to be sufficient possibility of this to warrant us in making certain provisions against the distress of the time - in the interest of our families, our friends, and our neighbors. We recommend those having dry, clean cellars, or other places suitable and well-ventilated, to lay in a good stock of life's necessities; for instance, a large supply of coal, of rice, dried peas, dried beads, rolled oats, wheat, barley, sugar, molasses, fish, etc....Do not sound a trumpet before you, telling of your provision, intentions, etc..." - Cell phones [?].

    For our day, our children's day........ whose day???

    C.T. Russell's words from 1 November 1914, THE WATCHTOWER [reprints], pp. 5569, 5572.

    Be careful that no one learns "of your provision, intentions, etc..." You might be forced to share.


  • garybuss

    If they don't have a steak to sell, they sell the sizzle.

    (Sizzle: To make the hissing sound characteristic of frying fat.)

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