Comments You Will Not Hear at the 1-21-07 WT Study (Day Near)

by blondie 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SirNose586

    Wow...this the reminds me of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Only, there will be no Wolf coming.

    You can't get people excited until you've got a date in their heads. Will they set another date and encourage another 1975?? As brought out before, the 1975-debacle folks are in the minority.

  • Blueblades

    Nice Loop-Hole. PROBABLY: Likely to occur or be, that can reasonably but not certainly be expected, reasonably so, as on the basis of evidence, but not proved. Like all the date setting that was probable for years! I agree that the end is near for the Governing Body members and it is not probably, it is a certainty for them. Life will go on unless someone out there drops the Bomb , The Big One.


  • outnfree

    Blondie-- Bravo! You know I do not usually read your work, but in the rare instance that I do, I am always impressed. ... I particularly enjoyed this comment: "Near at hand....Those in the WTS have only been waiting 128 years...Noah only waited 120." ...I read today's article because of Mulan's Aunt's insistence on its importance. Personally, I felt like I was in a time warp -- that nothing had changed since I attended my last meeting approximately 6 years ago. ... So much for the light "getting brighter and brighter"! Love and warm regards to Irrev, Brenda

  • zack

    I just got in from my Sunday meeting. On one of the paragraphs a brother commented how Jehovah was the GREAT EXTERMINATOR.

    A sister said that "we" had expectations of the end in 1975 but Adam had to name all the animals! (She sill doesn't get the Org's abandonment of that doctrine!) Her comment was in response to the paragraph that blames the members for the expectations of their leaders.

    And to top it all off, on the review questions, the conductor said that "people would not take heed because they didn't want to be inconvenienced." Then he said, "Well, they'll be dead. That it'll be pretty inconvenient." Laughter. Guffaws. I was horrified.

    Song and prayer. People talked, not about the lesson or about the comments, or about ANYTHING serious, but instead talked of the Colts and the Saints and Bears and the Patriots-- the important things.

    They had just finished discussing the annihilation of the human race save except the most rabid JW, and they were talking about FOOTBALL! I do not think anyone takes this stuff seriously.


  • SirNose586

    Song and prayer. People talked, not about the lesson or about the comments, or about ANYTHING serious, but instead talked of the Colts and the Saints and Bears and the Patriots-- the important things.

    They had just finished discussing the annihilation of the human race save except the most rabid JW, and they were talking about FOOTBALL! I do not think anyone takes this stuff seriously.

    Of course they can't talk about it. I try to get my friends to discuss some of the more controversial points from the talk or the study. No one cares. They just swallow it and try not to think too hard about it. So the visiting speaker said something weird? Ho hum, change the topic and move on. Strange how I care more about the discussion material than they do--even if only to point out the flaws!

  • Mary
    Despite the urgency of the situation, most of earth's inhabitants are not con­cerned about the approaching "day of Jeho­vah." They mock and ridicule those who warn them of its imminent arrival. True Christians are not surprised by this. They re­member the warning recorded by the apos­tle Peter: "You know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: 'Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our fore­fathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creation's begin­ning."'-2 Peter 3:3, 4.

    Oh I just love this one as it covers all the bases. Someone cries "the end is nigh!" and if you dare to doubt them, they flip to 2 Peter and smugly point out that you're fulfilling bible prophecy by not believing them. What about some zealot in the 16th century who went around declaring "the end is night!" Anyone who doubted them would have been shown the exact same scripture.

    A sister said that "we" had expectations of the end in 1975 but Adam had to name all the animals!

    Geeze.....I was always under the impression that the end didn't come because we didn't take into consideration that Eve hadn't been created yet. And poor Gumbers has to sit through this shit.........

    Good job Blondie.......but as you said: There is nothing new under the sun......

  • cyberguy

    Thanks blondie, for the coverage. I got a strange phone call from an older JW elder this week and he sounded very panicky. After seeing this “study” article I can see why. And this guy is in his mid 70’s, was raised in the cult, believed his whole life he would never die in this system. Unfortunately, he is held captive by a concept that is false!

  • MinisterAmos
    Yes, there are those who do not wish for Jehovah's day to arrive. They do not want their lives to be disrupted. They do not want to be held accountable to Jehovah for their selfish lifestyle! As Peter states, they live "according to their own desires."

    So it is NOT "living according to their own desires" when JWs sit around and pray for God to kill everyone?

    I didn't go today because I knew that I would not be able to keep quiet.

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    Great job again. May I say on behalf of JWD that your position as WT study conductor has been renewed, indefinitely.

    Which means you can't retire!! So don't even think about it.

    Oh dear - expressions such as "Deep into" the last days, "How can we maintain a sense of urgency" etc were being mouthed by frog like elders [including me] from the platform when I was still a pup, and had plenty of hair.

    I can remember year texts all fraught with an anticipation of imment doom going back to the year dot.

    I am still waiting for a WT that actually has a Bible study in it. Like what does "Reconciliation with God mean"? or a word study on Righteousness, or a commentary verse-by-verse on the book of Romans.

    The possiblity of waiting for pigs that fly seems more appropriate.

    Cheers and thanks, matey.

  • R6Laser

    Nothing new here. The end has always been near according to them, and it will always be near.

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