Should God be Held Responsible for the Evil that Men Do?

by The wanderer 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Should God be Held Responsible for the Evil that Men Do?

    If you still believe in God do you hold him responsible or accountable by a misleading
    organization claiming to be “God’s channel of communication?”

    Are you Angry at God?

    When the organization started to unravel in my eyes, admittedly,
    I was angry, confused, upset and depressed with God.

    However, I have decided it is the profit-motivated evil that men do which
    has nothing to do with God.

    How do you feel toward God if you still believe in him?


    The Wanderer

  • nicolaou

    It's a good question. You direct it at those "who still believe in god" and so it's only right that I preface my comments by saying I do not believe god exists (though I might be wrong).

    However, when I was retreating from the Watchtower and for a few years after that I did still retain my conviction that god was real, and yes, I did get angry with him. Looking back I think it was because I couldn't reconcile reality with the existence of a loving god - a god I freely admit was shaped by my JW upbringing.

    This led me down the path of inquiry I am still on, who knows what the future holds and what may come to light but for now I am settled and happy in my godless paradigm.


  • nicolaou

    So no, I do not hold god responsible for the evil that men do.

  • avidbiblereader

    NO, that would be like holding you responsible for the bad that I do, how would you feel if I implied or held you accountable for that? It is a nice cop out if you don't want to be accoutable. HMMM, not be held accountable, sounds like many in this world today. Not my fault mentality isnt working, so easy to point the finger and then move on to another issue that we dont take accountability. NO NO NO!


  • Bobhere

    Yeh he is accountable in that he allows it to happen. No I am not angry with him He knows what he is doing and has promised an end to evil.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    IF someone was going around slaughtering babies in my name and telling people this is

    what I wanted, and I flat out allowed it, then yes I should be held responsible.

    The JW's are walking around telling people they are God's chosen channel of communication, not unlike a few other religions. In the process thousands of people have died (including those other religions) and God is allowing them to do it.

    That God and I have little to discuss. He bears responsibility for allowing it to happen. If he/she honestly did not want it to happen, he/she bears the responsibility of putting a stop to it, when it started. ANything, a sign from heaven, zapping a person making a sacrificial lamb out of a non beleiver, Something that would make it quite clear to all humanity, that they are free to do whatever the hell they want, but they are not free to do it in God's name (or title as the case may be).

    So yes I hold him/her responsible if they are really there. The jury is still out on that.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    NO, that would be like holding you responsible for the bad that I do, how would you feel if I implied or held you accountable for that? It is a nice cop out if you don't want to be accoutable. HMMM, not be held accountable, sounds like many in this world today. Not my fault mentality isnt working, so easy to point the finger and then move on to another issue that we dont take accountability. NO NO NO!

    If someone was going around beating up little old ladies and stealing their purses and they said that the Great God AvidBibleReader wanted this, how long would you let that happen before you put a stop to it?

    Just sayin' is all....

  • avidbiblereader
    If someone was going around beating up little old ladies and stealing their purses and they said that the Great God AvidBibleReader wanted this, how long would you let that happen before you put a stop to it?

    The problem is that others are speaking for God and misrepresenting Him, take those issues up with the MISREPRESENTERS not with the One who is being misrepresented, Eventually He will. Way too many people equate the thought that if an organization or THEE org says it, it is God saying it, wrong! Misrepresentation again.

    Even if God does declare to do something, He has that right, He owns everything and He can undo any harm that takes place. Who are we to question His hand?


  • acadian

    Why do parents allow their children to do evil? Shouldn't parents be responsible, and be punished for the evil their adult children do? If an adult child comments murder, then the parents should be put to death, because they birthed that child, so they are responsible for every action that child commits all through their lives. Sound reasonable to you? Always love moronic reasoning... And if your parents are still alive, you must be perfect?

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Other then the fact you didn't really answer the question.......

    The problem is that others are speaking for God and misrepresenting Him

    Yep and he is allowing it. Therefore, he is partially responsible. It is being done in his name, he allows it, therefore, he is partially responsible.

    Even if God does declare to do something, He has that right, He owns everything and He can undo any harm that takes place. Who are we to question His hand?

    Prove it. When someone can prove to me, when someone can show me evidence that some God owns all of this and has the right to do this, I will consider worshipping him. That's number one. The number two part to this is, just because a parent is a parent, does Not give them the right to allow their children to be tortured in their name. Where I'm from, someone would remove that parents rights so fast it would make their head spin. Just because God created all this (maybe) doesn't give him the right to be inhumane. In fact, before any rights this God might have, comes responsibility, and he has the responsibility of taking care of his children. Once he has done that, then he can claim rights.

    You have the right to believe what you want to believe, my belief at this point is, yes he is responsible. If calls himself our Father, then he should start being a father and start taking care of his kids.

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