My wife loves me more than I love her

by jayhawk1 24 Replies latest social family

  • jayhawk1

    Love has always been a difficult concept for me. I've dated several women that I had no emotional connection with. I began to think falling in love would never happen. And then my wife and I found each other about 6 years ago. I found somebody I could love and loved me back. We've been married for nearly 5 years and it has been a fairly happy marriage. Our only problem seems to be the economy has been down almost all of the years we've been together. But through it all, I've remained employed and we've never gone without essentials. We don't seem to ever fight, although we've both vented our frustrations from time to time. But there is one nagging problem that plagues me...

    There is no doubt that my wife loves me more than I love her. Why is that? What's wrong with me?

    Certainly growing up as a JW in an environment that was lacking in love has stunted my ability to love, but there has got to be more to it than that. And I don't mean to make this post sound like my marriage is in trouble, because for now, it is not. But I can see the possibility of potential problems if I do nothing. We can't afford a vacation and I think it is time for more than flowers, a card and a box of chocolates. So for those of you who have several years invested in a relationship... give me some words of wisdom.

  • avidbiblereader

    As in all relationships, it is the little things that will make the biggest impact. Not any gifts, a hand held on the couch or walking, the simple "I love you" more than once a day or several days. Doing extra things around the house and for her, a foot rub, a back rub, a hand written letter, small things that money cant buy


  • UnConfused

    I agree that these little things will make a nice addition to your lives. You must know what little treats or tasks give her a jump. String them together. You're doing a good thing bro

  • kerj2leev


    All relationships go through phases, you maybe on the downside of things! It may be that she does love you more, but the fact is you still love her. Sounds like you have a strong relationship, so keep working at it and it will grow. If need be go see a counselor to get some help, they will help you to work through issues you have.

  • carla

    I believe being involved with the wt does something to ones capacity to truly love. Love wholeheartedly, no reservations or inhibitions. Think about it, the wt teaches that to give your spouse too much praise (compliments), passion, or special days is wrong. As if loving your spouse 'too much' will take something away from jah. How much is too much? to be determined by the wt. Apparently the jw heart is limited. Even if one has left the org the feelings and guilt still linger even though you know intellectually that it is false and even damaging. Like all wounds, time is needed to fullly heal.

    As for you question- the fact that you are even aware of your feelings shows me that you don't have much to worry about. She loves you 'more'? how? or is it displayed differently and you yourself think it is more? Even if you have no money there are many, many small ways to show her you love her, places to go that don't cost a dime. How about a picnic? too cold? prepare one and have it on the living room floor (or bedroom) you can afford 1 carnation can't you? write a silly love poem, the list is endless.

  • kerj2leev

    I forgot to ask one question, was your wife ever a witness? If not this could be an issue with why you're not feeling as much love as you think you should!

  • jayhawk1
    was your wife ever a witness?

    No, we found each other after I left the JWs.

  • LovesDubs

    I have been married three times. Each time I thought I was in love...and each one was different. This last one, when I was a JW and he is a JW, has lasted 20 years and you would think THIS one is the one where we truly do love each other. isnt. He told me last year he wondered what true love really was as if he was talking to somebody else about it...and I about died because I thought I had actually loved him all that time and here it turns out he has never really loved me back the same way. But I really think he is a product of his upbringing. He loves at the capacity he knows how. His father is just like him, very standoffish, not particularly affectionate, hopes nobody expects anything from him in return. And I cant change that about him any more than you can change how you feel. It is what it is. But if you guys are friends, and you enjoy each others company, and you get along well, then you have more than most couples have from the get go.

    Dont analyze it too closely. Dont fix it if it isnt broken. And probably flowers wont fix where you are emotionally in all this. Tell her you love her and that you are doing the best you can and that you hope she feels she didnt waste her time on you sweetie. Ask her to tell you how she thinks you can improve the relationship. I think you will find that being honest about it endears you to her even more.



    Get her a Penguin..Then she will love you as much as you love her..Problem solved...OUTLAW

  • Xena
    There is no doubt that my wife loves me more than I love her. Why is that? What's wrong with me?

    Do you mind me asking, how do you measure love?

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