A Letter to the Governing Body

by truthsetsonefree 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truthsetsonefree

    Lady Liberty, what an idea! I may just do something like that. I can imagine the next km warning about yard sale ads....

    I do want to post this on other forums. If someone wants to help with that please feel free to do so. Like I said forward it if you want to others, do whatever you think will help someone you care for. As for the comment that the GB has no control over people's lives....huh?????


  • mcsemike

    To Grissom: I try to avoid sarcasm and unkindness because I believe that being more professional might help those who are misled, mistaken, or just plain loyal to the WTS no matter what. But due to your comments and considering the immense depth of thought TSOF put into his letter, along with the fact that he's right, you need some major correction. And on occasion, when a person makes ignorant comments and receives a less than gentle reply, he responds to that kick in the butt.

    First, are you an active and loyal JW? If so, how can you call anyone "stupid"? Based on the knowledge available on the Internet and other sources, many would consider YOU stupid for remaining a JW. There are reasons to do so, of course, such as staying in while a person tries to get their family out and other reasons that we don't always know about. But I saw no sincere compassion or confusion in your comment. It leans toward ignorance and sarcasm. I think you will find that many here can use sarcasm as well as you, if not better, although they might not wish to play your game. Occasionally, I do. After a proctologist takes your case and cures you, you might wish to consider the following information and comments.

    TSOF is far from stupid. I have a degree in Psychology (99 GPA) and have been a part of this insanity since 1971. I've held many positions in the circuit and have read almost every book the WTS ever printed, including Studies in the Scriptures. I'm aware of the inner workings of the GB and suffered from their child abuse policies when my child was raped by a known pedophile when she was nine years old. I think you'll soon realize you'll get no sympathy from me or almost anyone else here. That's why most of us quit or are planning to do so.

    TSOF made some brilliant points and backed them up. Can you refute his arguments? Can YOU defend the lunatic practices of the GB? I doubt it very much. TSOF didn't say he had no faith in anything, just the WT's nonsense and teachings. For all you know, he may be a devout person and believe in God more deeply than you believe in the WT cult. (YES, I SAID "CULT"). A "cult" is a religion led by a man or men. That fits the WTS perfectly.

    A person's lack of faith (again, you don't know if TSOF has faith, or if he does, in which God) does have to do with him, but he can lose his faith in groups or people because of what they do. The WT's long history of lies, treachery, deceit, arrogance, and many other unscriptural practices and attitudes is well documented, including court room testimony. Obviously, the WT's greatest hypocrisy is their constant lying about their history and actions. I have never seen a religion break more rules than the WT. I would have a "lack of faith" in the WT if I knew what I now know, and so I have left the WT for good. The WT is solely to blame for my decision to quit this cult. Jesus taught people how to behave and think, and the WT simply is not a Christian organization.

    The GB oversees EVERY congregation, whether they hide behind corporations or other arrangements. You said they only oversee the "worldwide congregation". What the hell is that? Do all JW's meet once a year on Mars and hold a ten million person convention? The individual congregations all make up the "worldwide brotherhood" in their view, but they are the only ones who believe that.

    As far as publishers go, all the rules come down from Bethel. In case you didn't know, the GB usually hangs around the NYC area in some buildings called "Bethel". Do you "get it" yet? If the GB votes that God told Jesus to tell Michael to tell some angel to tell Ted Jaracz to tell the other senior citizens on the GB to tell the writing/teaching department to tell the DO's to tell the CO's to tell the elders to tell the congregation that he turned on a "new light", then I think it fair to conclude that the GB tells individual publishers what to do. If that were not true, then I will start teaching that 586 BCE is the correct date and 607 BCE is wrong (which it is), and then we'll wait and see how many minutes I last before someone in the congregation snitches on me and I'm facing a JC. When I'm DF'd, the elders will record that on a form that the GB wants submitted. The elders may also have called Bethel first for instructions on how to handle my case.

    But you might be right. Maybe some local sisters meet and tell the elders in the circuit how to run everything and the GB spends its time looking for sales on Geritol and discussing what part of Heaven they want to live in. If they drink, they'll want a seat near Rutherford, if not, they might want to spend time near Russell and admire the bumps on his head. And don't forget all the shopping that they have to do. They must buy dozens of light switches and GE 3-way light bulbs. How else can they have the "light getting brighter"? Maybe they light more candles or flashlights. I don't know and I'm sure they don't either.

    Maybe I was mistaken about the definition of the word "govern". I know the bosses love to call themselves "servants" so that they appear humble to everyone. But these "servants" serve no one except themselves. I find them very similar to the Pharisees and the Pope. "We are God's prophet", but if they make a mistake, "we never claimed to be inspired". "Jehovah is the editor of the WT magazine", they said, but when what is written turns out to be false, then "we were just too eager". Okay, I can deal with that. It's called "JW's have up to 40 times the rate of mental illness than the world in general". Can you tell me why since you claim to be "Jehovah's happy people"? I don't know ONE happy JW at all. I won't ask you why, you simply don't know and never will.

    I don't have 5 hours to expose your mental deficiencies, so I'll let you ponder the material I've covered here. I suspect you are a lurking apologist (look up any big words if you need to) who defends everything the GB says. That's a real shame, because you are wasting your time and your life, not to mention annoying others in the world.

    TSOF wrote a caring letter that can encourage many people to resolve their anguish concerning the WTS. I think he did a wonderful job. Since I believe you don't understand half the things he wrote about, I doubt you can benefit from that letter. I'll finish by saying this civil thing to you. I hope you will read his letter. You should consider that many elders see that WT as a cult. They can no longer "stomach" this nonsense. If you worship overseers so much, this should make an impression on you. Your stats indicate that you are new here. I think you might hear from others as well. I hope your eyes get opened. If you are a loyal JW, I can guarantee that they are now closed.

  • thecarpenter

    To mcsemike, I know the sarcastic and insulting comments Grissom made irked you a little bit but I submit that Grissom and individuals like him are precisely the type of people we need in authority in the Watchtower and posting on these forums. Right hearted people will see the blatant intellectual dishonesty and thoughtlessness in full glory, moving them in the right direction. I say Grissom comments are powerful but not in the way he intends. Encourage him to fully air his views and guttural comments in as many posts that he can.

    You go girl Grissom6471

  • mcsemike

    To thecarpenter: Thanks for your comment. I do have a tendency to sarcasm because of what happened to my family and the utter stupidity and stubborn attitude they take toward me for disagreeing with the WTS. It's just so tempting because the WT is just so stupid. I get impatient waiting for their demise.

    You are right, we need idiots like grissom to keep posting. Hopefully, they will be appointed to fill the elder gap in the WTS and will quickly bring the end about all by themselves because of their stupidity. The more grissom posts, the lower his IQ goes. (Are negative numbers possible for him/her?) Looks like it.

    I liked your comment to him. Maybe lurkers or those on the fence will realize how dumb their fellow JW's are and leave ASAP.

    My best to you.

  • truthsetsonefree

    You go guys (except Grissom!)


  • truthsetsonefree

    dark angle, I'd be curious to hear what they say.


  • willyloman

    My first reaction is that no one will read it, except whoever in the Service Dept. is assigned to screen these things. Therefore, it was a waste of your time and energy.

    Having said that, it is one hell of a letter! Articulate, passionate, reasonable, caring... it touches all the bases. I'm glad you posted it here so that it will get the wide circulation it deserves. Go ahead and send it to Bethel, if you truly don't care about the repercussions. The fact that it is anonymous may protect you from retribution, but it will also give them a good excuse to toss it in the round file.

    I was an elder for more than 20 years. Before I stepped "aside" and then faded a couple of years ago. Your comments resnate with me; your assessment is right on. It was the WTS' inability to see and acknowledge the obvious that forced me to reexamine my life, so I'm thankful to them.

    About four years ago, I wrote a very similar letter, addressed to a member of the Gov Body who had once been our CO. He and his wife had been at our home on several occasions for a meal and our wives corresponded for a few years after they moved on to another circuit. He had just been appointed to the GB and I thought he might appreciate a report "from the front lines." I was a pretty good letter, as I recall. But I never mailed it. I knew that, despite our past "friendship," it would most likely be sent to my body of elders and I'd be called to account.

  • truthsetsonefree

    willyoman, I know they don't care or listen to much of anything. But I will say this: Nothing has felt more liberating. I feel as if I have gone through a door and there is no turning back. My life is beginning, I feel so free, now that I have verbalized this not just to myself and all of you but to someone there at "God's House" as well.


  • thecarpenter

    I think this letter should be emailed to all the Jdubs in the US, let them chew on that for a while. People need to hear the countless life stories and see what the organization is all about, the borg needs to be put in the hot seat.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Hey guys, this is big. I have emailed this this letter to several Bethel departments. I believe it went through. But it gets better. I guessed at the GB email addresses by using standard Bethel naming conventions. NONE OF THEM BOUNCED BACK. I may have gotten them into GB mailboxes. Thoughts? Am I imagining this?


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