hmmm, I'd like to email teddy and let him know that I hope he sees god real soon. hee hee
A Letter to the Governing Body
by truthsetsonefree 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
excellent letter tsof,
I was deeply moved by it...and emailed it to some members of my family that are still active jdubs.
as for grissoms comments - someone probably peed in grissoms cornflakes that morning, or something you said really hit a nerve...
you know, the nerve where they realize that you are smarter than they could ever dream of being, therefore, lash out with their limited vocabulary, further proving their stupidity.
I hope your emails were received and were read, keep us posted!
Hey found-my-way, thanks for the compliment. Please pass it along. So far these guys have said zilch. Isn't it sad that these men who claim to love "the flock" so much have nothing to do with them. Every corporation in the world at least pretends to listen to criticism. All these guys can do is retaliate.
tsof -
What if we all printed this letter off and either mail it or drop it off at KHs in our own area....
Great letter!
Hey that would raise a stink wouldn't it?
tsof -
coffee_black would raise a stink...and maybe open a few eyes... I think a lot of current elders are teetering on the edge... It might just land in the right hands...
Wakka Wakka Wakka! (Forgive me...)
That was just sooo well done. I especially enjoyed the last two paragraphs.
After hearing the other day that they got it, I got so excited I resent it. And added some names I know up there. Ah email is great.
Cyberguy is correct. I made the mistake of sincerely sending a 6 page letter pouring out my heart with proof of what I wrote. I called first and was encouraged to write. MISTAKE!! They sent a committee to my home! I was not aware of this type of thing. It was the worst day of my life! My Elders however said they didnot agree with the society but they had to come or else. I have had to repeatly turn down meetings with CO's for 5 yrs now. I have gone to the prosecuting attorney in my city and it made them back down because local Elders feared a lawsuit from me.Because I don't care anymore. They know I will fight and have plenty of backing from worldly authorities. I am treated with respect by many and disdainfully by a few elders. But I don't care what they think about me. I will never worship the GB. And I am not leaving. I will make my head like Flint. But I will follow David's example and not ever again go head on. Lesson learned. I wish I had seen Cyberguy's message first. I have rebounded now. I hide in a corner now against the wall, but I am not silent, just careful.
Pants of Righteousness
BTTT - For the benefit of new members.