hey,i know this is a bit um,off topic,but i am told that i have to get a cortizone shot in my heel due to plantar faciitus..anyone have any first hand experiance about what i can expect? am envisioning a huge knitting needle like device jammed into the delicate already sore bones in my heel,causing great agony and pain and armageddon like conditions..anyone,any thoughts??
cortizone shot,anyone???
by aquagirl 26 Replies latest jw friends
Did the doctor try anything else before he/she said you needed a shot?
No need to worry, it is no worse than a flu shot in the arm...a little sting and away you go.
Ouch. I know my mom had that done before and she said it was horribly painful. Maybe it won't be so bad for you.
My sister gets them. She says they help but sorry to tell you, they are very painful. Try some online research for alternative therapies first. Lilly
Yes I have had a few. It hurts abit going in but not to hard to bear.Just a little needle I am told it is not good to have to many. I am also told it makes hair grow on the face....No kidding. Could be rumors...Did not do anything for my pain. I had 3 at one time in my Rheamatoid Arthritic shoulder It made the skin come off where one needle went in.... But I guess if the DR suggests it.it is up to you to say yes or no. Hope you get others opinion Scully is a nurse ask her
no,ive asked about other treatments and was told that they were a waste of time..really???like a flu shot????im envisioning like,a scene from silence of the lambs..i always get nervous when the dr says,'now this might be uncomfortable,for a minute or two"..like,so could being beheaded,ya know?..is it a huge ghastly needle?
They shoot lidocaine in first to deaden the area and then the cortisone. Feels like a pinch.
yeah,my mom had one in her SPINE!!!!! and didnt even wince..i guess she didnt pass any of her pain immunities down to this daughter...
I would suggest getting a second opinion. Dr's usually push one therapy that they feel compfortable with but it is your body. And you are the one that has to endure the shot. Do some searching on the web, I am sure you can find other therapies. Lilly