What's the purpose of a one day assembly?

by oppgirl63 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    It's a fine provision from the Faithless Slavers Jerhover.

    Mind numbing Upbuilding instruction from cult leaders God.

    It's such a waste priviledge for braindead faithful witnesses to see young ones who have been trapped raised in the LIE Truth to bow down dedicate their lives to the Governing Body Jerhover by water baptism.

    It strengthens the brothers' faith in the Watchtower Society Jerhover to be in association with other Kool=Aid drinkers as they are misled fed at the table of demonz Jerhover.

  • lawrence

    The purpose:

    To hookup frustrated JW guys with frustrated JW gals.

    To waste gas and life.

    To have a sanctioned circle jerk.

    To steal identities,

    To recruit a few more suckers.

  • lfcviking

    Well a full day meeting gives you the opportunity to have a full day of sleep rather than just 2 hours worth at the KH on a normal meeting.

  • garybuss

    Fundrai$er and $ales meeting. Assemblies are also a sort of inventory to see who is active and compliant. Young people used to like them because they were a good chance to look for fresh meat.

  • moshe

    Could it be that the writing department can only come up with enough material for one day assemblies now?

  • restrangled

    Just an 8 hour reminder to behave yourself!


  • aniron

    Thats right Crumpet

    We used to have two - 2 day Circuit Assemblies. Then they change one to one day assembly.

    We never called it a "Special Day Assembly" just the "one day assembly" there was nothing "special about them. Just the usual talks etc. If it fell on a Sunday the afternoon was like being at Kingdom Hall...public talk, Watchtower, just with a concluding talk. We occasionally had special speakers coming but usually it was the CO and the DO.

  • pobthespazz

    Simple ; brainwashing, brainwashing and more brainwashing, and of course dig deeper into your pockets bros....... suckers........

  • aniron

    Trouble was at our Circuit Assemblies they always were short of cash. The Accounts brother always had to come on mid-afternoon and tell us we were about £200-300 short to cover costs.

    They never got anything off me. Had enough expense paying for family on coach

  • LovesDubs

    I have to say tho, coming from Chicagoland, that I preferred going to Janesville or Bowllingbrook for assemblies because the seating was cushy and it was darker and you could snooze or nod off during talks and not fall onto concrete. And there were enough BATHROOMS compared to Sportsmans Park or other outdoor smelly hot venues.

    The topics however were the S.O.S.

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