that verse in Duet. 22:28,29 the word "rape" is not what you think it is. During that time, if a young man had sex with a virgin not betrothed to him, it would be considered "rape". Not because he forcefully had sex with her, but because he did not have the right to have sex with her. The warning here was for men to not have relations with any young girl thinking it is o.k. since she is not betrothed to another man. Just because she is "single" does not mean she is readily available for any man to use. The men would be held accountable and thus had to pay a fine for taking the young girls chastity. This rule was in affect for the protection of women.
And yet earlier in the passge, in Deuteronomy 22:22 - 27, the penalty for consensual sexual relations between unmarried individuals was execution. Verses 25-27 describe the scenario where an engaged virgin was "grabbed" (or "seized" as vs 28 puts it) by a man who proceeded to "lay down with her", and she screamed, he would be put to death by himself, because she did not do anything wrong.
The fact of the matter is that the man did not have the right to have sex with the girl, so it is rape. We agree on that. So does she have to marry her rapist? Yes. Does she even have a choice in the matter? No, she doesn't, because all she is to anyone in that time period is a piece of property, to be traded for 50 pieces of silver. Does her family even care if she doesn't want to be married to this guy? Apparently not. "God's Law" comes first. Family honour comes first. Gag me!!
During that time, too, it was considered perfectly acceptable to promise girls in marriage and give them in marriage as soon as they started having menstruation. It became a liability for a family head to have an unmarried fertile daughter gadding about, so they married them off to much older men (who could afford to pay the bride price to the father) as soon as possible. It prevented shame from coming to families in the event that an unmarried daughter became pregnant. Again, "God's Law" comes first. Family honour comes first. Nobody gives a crap about the GIRL who is being sold like livestock to the highest bidder.