If anyone else out there is in a divided faith household, may I ask how it affects your relationship? I am sorting trying to figure things out within my marriage as far as faith issues. Here is the background.
I was never a conventional JW. Pretty much I got baptised because my husband wanted us to do it together. I had belonged to several other church denominations prior to the WT but was not really loyal to any one. My belief was that it was faith in God and Christ that was most important and not your denomination. The first few years in the tower, I was very busy with my kids. They were young and both had severe health issues (asthma) so I was not regular at all at the meetings. When I did attend, I almost never studied for the meetings. The only thing I kept up with was the Bible reading. And that because I just have always read the bible. I honestly thought the WT magazines were to teach those in the congregation who were weaker in faith and knowlege. Anyway, needless to say, I really had no idea what I had gotten into until a few years after I was in. Then it took about five years to get my family out.
My husband and I have always, even as JW's disagreed on doctrinal matters and other faith issues. He has never really been spiritual minded. I studied with the kids, although he mostly counted the study. I also made the plans for service for our family and reminded him about prayers with the kids. He was very much an organization man and underlined his Mags. faithfully. But, he never built up his own relationship with God independent of the WT.
Now, the dilema. We are in a very different situation now. We do not only sort of disagree, we are totally like night and day on many matters.I thought he would at least try to learn about God or Jesus on his own after leaving the tower but now it is the exact opposite. He studies nothing, does not read the bible. Will not seek out answers on his own and will just ask me what I think. I am now a born again Christian. He considers himself a Christian but in name only. He has no desire to follow Christ at all. He tells me the reason is he is just a worldly man. He attends church meetings with me but only because I have a nuerological problem and cannot drive there myself. He says he does enjoy it, and I know he does because he talks about it. But then he puts his Bible on the shelf and it sits there until the next church meeting. He says he wishes he had more faith but will not pray for it. He does not really believe God will answer him.
I try to be balanced and not push my views because being a Christian is not everyones calling. But since now my family is really not religious, they sometimes bring things into the home, I would not allow if I lived by myself. Also, I am not into watching certain entertainment and do not gamble. I know some Christians do, but I have never like gambling. My hubby gambles and keeps insisting that I go with him to a casino. Other problems is he thinks I read the bible too much, so now I read it when he is at work. People contact me a lot for spiritual help and he complains about the time I give them. However, he used to go out in service a lot by himself and I never complained. Usually if I went I had to take two small kids with me, even on Bible studies I had. BTW I sometimes had 5 bible students any given week. The good thing is my kids learned to be extremely quiet. People at church comment on how good they are all the time. love my husband and he really is such a nice guy. But I feel bad because I know he left the tower because of me and if I knew he would be lost spiritually, I would have recomended that he stay.
I recomended he speak to some of the older Christian men in the bible group we go to, but he says he does not need them to teach him anything about God. It is pride I think and not wanting to admit he is lost without someone to lead him. I cannot say anything to him about God or he tells me a women is not supposed to be teaching a man. (WT view)
Anyway, sorry this is long. I needed to get it out. I am starting to really feel like a foreigner in my own home. How do others here deal with these kinds of issues? Lilly