50 ways to.........

by ButtLight 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    Kill your cell phone!!!!!!!!

    What are the chances of dropping your cell into the toilet 3 times? Pretty good for me.

    The first one was shot. The second one, I wanted to flush instead of retrieve it. I was at the state fair, you know how discusting those toilets are? That one still worked afterwords.

    Now, I did it again two days ago, here at home. YUCK, I of course had to pluck it out before i could flush!

    The screen doesnt work, and the flash is stuck on for the camera!

    I went to walmart one time, and lost my phone somewhere there. I rushed back and went to the service desk. After a hundred stupid questions from the girl, "what does it look like, what brand is it, what color is it?" She hands if over to me, and it was flat as a pancake! It got run over in the parking lot.

    I looked at this girl and said, "are you kidding me? You ask me all those question for what? Jeese

    Im sure I killed a few more, just dont remember!

  • candidlynuts

    you need to see a psychiatrist and find out the real issue here..why do you hate cell phones so much? why is there so much aggression against such a small little device? perhaps you need to explore your communication issues with the toilet.. do you talk to it more than it talks to you? figure it out!! LOL

  • JH

    Well, last summer I was mowing the lawn, and my cell phone fell to the ground and I ran over it with the lawnmower.

    It was an old model anyways...

    OK Butt, we need 48 other ways to kill a cell phone

  • misanthropic

    ::What are the chances of dropping your cell into the toilet 3 times?

    I think I woud have let that State Fair one go if I were you ;)
    That's happened to me a few times as well. Although I can't think of a single guy who's dropped theirs in the toilet...
    I wonder if it's a girl thing, and I swear I wasn't using the phone in the bathroom, I think every time I was leaning over to pick something up off the floor and in it went.
    It always happens when you have just a few months before your plan is about to upgrade your phone for free anyway, that's the part I hate.

  • JH

    Dear Butt, I don't see how the cell phone can find "space" to fall into the toilet bowl.......

  • candidlynuts

    here's a way.. a friend of mine decided to do his wife a favor and wash clothes.. her cell was in her jeans pocket and he didnt check pockets before he stuck the clothes in the laundry. she forbid him to ever do laundry again... (which may have been his evil plan all along...)

  • ButtLight
    It always happens when you have just a few months before your plan is about to upgrade your phone for free anyway

    I just got mine a few months ago! grrrrr

    JH, and Candid, you guys need help lol

  • candidlynuts

    help me!! (but i am not going into the ladies room with you.. dont wanna get my feathers all wet!!)

  • JH

    This is an actual picture of Buttlight's toilet and her phone at the bottom...

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    The phone company killed mine because I had it in my pocket one day and it had kept dialling 999 without me realising.

    They resurrected it 12 hours later though

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