Floating Corpses will Point North says Golden Age Doctor

by VM44 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    From The Golden Age issue of April 30, 1930:

    "It is stated that if a human corpse is left on a float in a tank it will inevitably turn with its head to the north. Even through the lifeless body the lines of magnetic force will go in the direction they prefer. It is for this reason that it is better to sleep with the head to the north, when that is possible."

    This amazing statement is from an article entitled "What is E.R.A.?" written by osteopath Dr. Mae J. Work. Under her care during most of the 1920's were about 200 Bethel printers and office workers.

    One wonders from what source she obtained her information.


  • blondie

    If without a compass but a traveling companion, an interesting way to determine north.

  • sir82

    Well, the ones with metal plates in their heads will anyway!

  • AuldSoul

    One wonders if the same holds true even if the deceased has metal pins in the feet/ankles. If so, it is a marvelous discovery and one I hope to see shortly on CSI.

    Grissom: "So, have we determined a cause of death?"

    "Yes sir. It seems his girlfriend forgot the way home, didn't have a flashlight to find the moss on the trees, and decided to kill him and throw him in the pool out back to see which way his head would point."

    Grissom: "Ah. Have you tested the theory?"

  • Mary
    "It is stated that if a human corpse is left on a float in a tank it will inevitably turn with its head to the north. Even through the lifeless body the lines of magnetic force will go in the direction they prefer. It is for this reason that it is better to sleep with the head to the north, when that is possible."

    Funny how Jehovah directed this to print in 1930, but if you tried promoting it today you'd be disfellowshipped for dabbling in demonism.

  • Stealth453

    Dr. Mae J. Work

    Am I to assume that her middle name is "Just"?

  • Asheron


    Your comment made me laugh so hard an entire turkey sandwich passed through my left nostril.

  • blondie

    Asheron, be careful or you'll end up compass material.


  • Asheron


    Well I have been told I have a "head" for directions.

    Asheron ...aka Atilla the Pun

  • Leolaia

    She doesn't also say that those corpses are of witches if they float?

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