I don't really fear it but do believe it will happen at some point . Scientists have predicted the end of the world as well with natural disasters or nuclear war or global warming. What scares me more is these sick people in power with their perverted justice making my life miserable. The way I see the main thing in the bible is not to be caught up in believing that mans corrupt political power will bring peace and security to the world. We all know that in this world death is inevitible.
Who still fears the big 'A'?
by lfcviking 28 Replies latest jw friends
I used to, even after I left there was still a remnant of the old thinking there. 'Oh I must go back to meetings and read the Watchtower and get baptized and everything will be hanky-dory, and then I won't die at the big A'. But it's faded away. I still sometimes remember the way I used to think, but now it really doesn't bother me any more.
I think the main thing is to stay busy, after time has passed the new experiences crowd out the old, and one's general outlook on the world changes for the better.
Star Moore
Hi Ifcviking:
I have also been out around the same amount of time. And I think, that you should study up on the Great Tribulation.. and really see what the criterias are for surviving it..
JW's idea of survival.. Being a JW in good standing...
The bible's idea of survival... Not getting the mark of beast, sighing and groaning over the destable things going on, doing good to Christ's brothers, beating our swords into plowshares, and being honest hearted.
If you would like to PMessage me..we can talk about it.. You still are in need of a bit more deprograming.. I have been a witness for 26 years.. so I may be able to help somewhat.
I fear the big "P" - prostrate problems when I get older.
Well they can only kill you once right?
So what's the big deal?
"I fear the big "P" - prostrate problems when I get older."- PopeofEruke
Well, Your Holiness, stay on your feet then!
(I can be funny now. My first 'digital' is due next year. Much more worrying than the Big A.) -
LFC - (good result v Chelsea by the way)
From my perspective your feelings seem perfectly reasonable. My problem was that I left still feeling that it might be the truth
ä . I had no support structure at the time and didn’t have easy access to information which exposed the Society ä for what it was. So every time a major world event had a hint of apocalypse about it, I started to worry. Not an all consuming worry but enough to get me thinking about the prophecies all over again. The last time I felt like that was probably during the Balkans war. I’m well past that now but the Dubs ä certainly did a good job on me, although even as a kid before I ever got into the JWs, I always had a morbid fascination with the Bible and felt as though it held some dark secrets.
At least you don't have to worry about burning in hell forever like those churchs teach.
I worried for a long time...for a long time, now I know there is nothing I can do about it one way or another. What I can do, is live the best possible life now.
on a side note...after leaving JW's ....I have NEVER met anyone that was worried about burning forever in hell. Even if they believed it...they didn't believe it would happen to them.
I use to fear it but now have a totally different outlook on it. I do believe there is a judgement day coming without a doubt. But now I see Jehovah as a loving God and we don't have it all figured out, there is no way of determining His Judgements according to Rom 11:33 and then in
Gen 18:25 25 It is unthinkable of you that you are acting in this manner to put to death the righteous man with the wicked one so that it has to occur with the righteous man as it does with the wicked! It is unthinkable of you. Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right?”
So I see Jah as a just God and not one who cannnot be satisified, I can neither change His judgement nor do anything about it but I believe He is just and mercifull.
I don't currently fear it in the biblical sense, though I sometimes worry it may well happen anyway, as a completely non-theistic event. Iran and North Korea are both troubling subjects for anyone who follows the news. I have to admit though, that every once in a while something will happen that will send a little tremor of 'oh sh*t, what if they were right?" down my spine. I was raised in the WWCG, and they were big on 'The Great Tribulation' and 'Armageddon', too. The last time I had one of those "oh sh*t" moments was when the EU formed and created the Euro. I thought there was an outside chance it was "The Beast with seven heads and ten horns", because Armstrong taught the WWCG that "the beast" would be some countries in Europe, probably a re-united Germany + others. (Armstrong for some reason or other had this fascination with Hitler and Germany being related to prophecy.) I later laughed at myself like a kid will for successfully running through the dark to a well lit porch or open door. The boogeyman never came.