They don't want to see.
by The wanderer 77 Replies latest jw friends
They don't want to see.
Dear Board Members:
I would like to take this time to thank each
and everyone of you for some of the most
interesting comments and reply's
that I have seen in a while.
Very Respectfully,
The Wanderer
Dear Wanderer,
My dad once told me this when talking to him about this very subject: "There are those who love truth more than tradition, and there are those who love tradition over truth."
But in addition to that, I think even the thought of needing to question your beliefs because there maybe something wrong is terrifying!!
Lady Liberty
There is another thing that cannot be ignored. Because they have the magic name of Jehovah, there are those there who believe in time he will straighten things out. They draw parallels between themselves and early Judaism. They reason that they are somehow god's chosen people and all the bad is "ignored" (and they do a good job of ignoring many things). They are like horses with blinders on. They trudge along and feel as long as they are doing their "thing": prayer, meetings, service, etc. nothing else matters. I had a woman tell me that she believes Jehovah is somehow using this organization, no matter what happens.
When people have this mind, it doesn't matter WHAT they find out. You can tell them every scandal and every atrocity from a to z and they will still cling to the religion -even if it disintegrates around them.
Wandeder..I can`t be threatened by the WBT$,to not ask questions.I can`t be threatened by the WBT$,to not find answers to my questions.WBT$ is powerless with people they have no control over..The rest are bullyed into subjection...OUTLAW
I see it as both.
A person who is born into it, cannot know his own personality because our personalities are formed in part by our environment. By the people and events in our lives. Therefore, a child born in and raised in the society, whose family members are all in the society and follow the rules, will become what the society dictates and demands. This will be reinforced not even as much by the WT in the beginning but by family intervention and application of WT doctrine (which I see as abusive) on the child. His/her behaviour will then be further and only influenced by the WT since they have less and less connection with people other than themselves and until the JW family cuts all ties with non JW family.
As I said before, I believe most people join cults like the WT because there is a void in their lives and they seek to fill the void and give purpose to their lives. They opt to do this using outside methods like joining a cult, instead of cultivating their own strengths and believes inside themselves first. Once a person chooses to become a JW as an adult, to leave the group, now means going back to that very first moment in time and opening up the wound that you used the WT to fill. Add to that, the guilt and shame that many people feel at having been duped, manipulated by their 'mother' so that now they have to deal with feelings of having wasted their life, being in poor financial circumstances, cutting off (often arrogantly) their real families and quite possibly contributing to the mental/physical and emotional downfall or death of others because of their own beliefs, etc. That keeps many in denial for longer periods of time since they lack the inner strength to endure the consequences of leaving.
For many of those raised in the truth - with both parents and all of their families in it - I think a life changing event is most often the only way to shake that brainwashing. That 'shake up' could be anything from your JW spouse no longer believing, moving away, going to college, becoming ill, reading on the internet or simply becoming friends with someone outside the organization. Once that event gets them thinking, then the person most likely has to go into denial mode because they've been taught that they cannot survive outside the society. That is a very real fear to them which can only cause untold stress and anxiety. They stand to lose their entire families and having no friends or understanding of the 'good' in the world and the help that is available to them, they feel totally alone and conflicted. It then becomes a struggle until the abandon ship or pretend to go along for the ride out of fear of loss. My take anyway - sammieswife.
Compared with the six million Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide the
so-called “apostates” are comparatively much smaller.
On the other side of the coin, compared with over six billion humans on this earth, the six million Jehovah's Witnesses are comparatively much smaller. The small number of so-called "apostates" are those who finally woke up and realized what the rest of mankind already knew from the beginning - that Jehovah's Witnesses are an abusive, mind controlling, worthless cult.
We are not a small minority. We are merely a little late in joining the majority of mankind.
Wanderer, In his book, Captives of a Concept,anatomy of an Illusion, Don Camerson made this statement: "Those who do a history study sooner don't ask for a Bible study later. Witnesses who do a history study later realize they should of done it sooner." "Before considering their offer of a free Bible study one should ask for a HISTORY study first in order to find out if this is in fact the organization that Jesus appointed to teach the Bible to the rest of mankind."
Wanderer, had I done this 33 years ago it would of saved me and my family the lost of all those years. It is the Illusionary concept that holds Jehovah's Witnesses captive.
After I rose from the "dead" (suicidal) and took off the rose-colored glasses and pulled back the "curtain" it was all crystal clear.