Why Can You See Through the Watchtower While Others Cannot?

by The wanderer 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • mcsemike

    Mary: Good analogy about marriage. I had a course or two on this in college. I'll post something soon to add to why the JW's stay.

    I don't have exact figures, but someone once said that if you consider (only living people count) how many people are ex-JW's due to quitting or being DF'd, or even studying almost to the point of baptism, they might number the same or more than the current amount of publishers today. Which means that of all the people who "understand the truth" (LOL), more than half do NOT BELIEVE IT TO BE THE TRUTH. This is a good point. We "apostates" are not in so little a minority as the WT would have everyone think. We might outnumber the JW's all over. And like I said before, there is only one JW for every 1,000 people who are NOT JW's. That says volumes.

    Please read the newsletter for this thread on Silent Lambs. If you want to see the WT's true colors, notice where they sue that they are being slandered (so to speak) yet threaten to "sue the victims into poverty". Adolf Hitler couldn't have done a more cruel and heartless job than the WTS. It's time that this religion is removed for good. All we have to do is spread the word. I think the dam has broken around the world. Let's just make sure the right people now drown.

  • willyloman

    AllTimeJeff: Welcome to the club. Your words have iron.

  • VanillaMocha73

    I think for many of us, this was the way we were raised. This is all we know - our families and friends are invested in it. We are told that to question is wrong and scary. We are told we cannot have friends outside the "truth" because they will corrupt us. We are told to pioneer and to work for other witnesses. Our whole life is encapsulated in the Society and we are made completely afraid of the outside world.

    Example: I was raised this way. I had little contact with "worldly" family as they celebrated holidays and would corrupt me. I was homeschooled to preserve me against worldly association. I graduated and went to pioneer, hence spending my days with other JWs. I worked for a brother. I was told how horrible Babylon the Great was - how they don't even know God's name and never open a Bible. I was told how everyone "outside" was going to be bird food. I was taught to cry over those who left, to hate and to fear. In such a contrived world, how could I see another universe?

    It is like the elephant that was chained as a baby. He grows into a 2 ton beast who could snap the chain at any second. You can even release him from the chain, and he will stay within the 10 foot realm of what his chain allowed him to reach. That is his whole world and to stretch outside of it is frightening.

  • new boy
    new boy

    Numbers mean nothing..............History has shown us that big things can happen with just a few people and an idea.

    One guy and 12 others in a Bavarian beer hall in Germany in 1923.

    One guy and 12 others in and upper room in Jerusalem 33 A.D

    A few people can make a difference...........when the time is right.

  • Anitar

    Hi everyone, and a big hi to Mike! I've been absent for a while settling in at my new school, and I thought this was a good thread to come back with.

    First of all, excellent question Wanderer. This is a universal topic that applies to many people, not just the Jehovah Witnesses. We were talking about a similar topic this week in my philosophy class. The teacher wrote all the major problems of the world on the board and he ran out of room before we could name them all, which was his intention. He wanted to show us just how many problems there are in the world.

    I'll try to explain it like this. Things like poverty, disease, war, intolerance and prejudice have always existed in some form or another in all groups of human life. No one, I repeat no one, is exempt from this. I've heard from the JW songbook how they boast and brag that they are no part of the world and "we don't fit into the the world's perception of society." They think they're better than everyone else when in reality they're much worse. I know, many of you know this already, but let me explain it the way my professor does.

    He told us that simply by being college students by choice, that meant we were acknowledging that we don't have all the answers to life and we want to work hard to earn our place in society. That's what true bravery is. The ability to admit you don't know what you're doing, and that you learn from your mistakes. The Watchtower paints a nice pretty picture where they have an answer for everything, but in reality if you join the Watchtower, you are essentially giving up on life. You send a message to the world "I have the truth, everyone else is false, and I'm going to paradise after armageddon." This is a copout on life. This is what Jesus warned us about. It's not even about religion or God, it's about having the courage to say "I'm going to live my own life and think for myself and be a good person, not someone's grunt or pawn."

    We live in a very challenging world full of problems that no one has the answer to. People like Jehovah Witnesses offer an escape into their own imaginary world where you hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil, but only if you choose to be deaf, dumb and blind. However, I believe that it's the struggle itself, not the end result, that makes us good people. Anyone can come along and give you a quick fix or an easy way out, but so often it's the journey, not the destination that makes us who we are.

    I once explained to my mom how the Watchtower prohibits her from rational thinking and keeps her always busy slaving their works. Her answer to every single criticism was "But I love it so much!" She loves being dominated by these people. She loves how they tell her what to wear, what to eat, what to read, what to say, and what to think. That's just how some people are.

    I remember when I was five years old in kindergarten when the entire class was convinced we had cooties. Anyone else remember that? Well, since we were all going to die of cootie infection, or a least miss Saturday morning cartoons, we had to get a cootie shot. But only the cool kids had the cootie shots, and they got them from a mysterious source like an unnamed hospital through a very powerful "doctor." How did we get these cootie shots? Simple. All we had to do was give the cool kids our lunch money and free reign of the monkey bars at recess, and we got the shot. The shot itself was usually just a punch in the shoulder or a poke in the ribs with a pencil, and the cool kids said the effects were invisible, we couldn't feel them, but they assured us with great sincerety that the shot was working and we would surely die without it.

    Now everyone reading this, I ask the question: Does this sound familiar at all?

    Of course, this scam only lasted a few months before the parents and teachers found out. Maybe something similar happened at your school. My point is, the Watchtower is exactly like the cool kids with the cootie shots. They never seem to explain where they get their medicine, but they assure you that you would die without it. And what about their constant use of fear of armageddon and the grisly death of all your loved ones? Nothing more than an imaginary cootie outbreak.

    I hope someday the Witnesses will wise up, get some backbone and dump this worthless cult once and for all. I'm not saying you have to join us, or replace it with another religion, but just do it for yourself. Yes, there are those who see the truth but still stay behind for their loved ones. That is a truly brave act, and I commend them for it. But at what point do you say "enough is enough?"

    After all, do you want to spend the rest of your life in fear of cooties?


  • willyloman
    My point is, the Watchtower is exactly like the cool kids with the cootie shots. They never seem to explain where they get their medicine, but they assure you that you would die without it. And what about their constant use of fear of armageddon and the grisly death of all your loved ones? Nothing more than an imaginary cootie outbreak.

    Wopw! Nominating Anitar for the "Best Writing on JWD 2007" competition.

  • thetrueone

    Over time if the person stays with the organization he or she too goes through the mental manipulation in that everything that is said and written by the WTS. is the honest and the undeniable truth of all that is happening on the earth today and yesterday. So therefore they demand all followers or slaves as they are called to kneel and succumb to their power with unquestionable devotion.

    It is common knowledge that where there is power and control and maybe even money that men will strive toward that attainable goal for the betterment of themselves. If for example you were to do a background study on the people that started this religion like C. T. Russell and big judge Rutherford. You would clearly see that these men were great power seekers to the extreme. But they obtained that power from false pretences and conjecture.

    The king keeps control of his slaves and the power that he has obtained, by the virtue of information given.

    Unfortunately many of the stated doctrines and ideas were devised primarily and structured on increasing the circulation of the magazines and whatever else they were selling and yes they did have profits in mind.

    Now in the kingdom halls there is a state of fear that is established between the elders, ministerial servants and congregation overseers, the eyes are upon you so to speak at all times to make sure everyone falls in line, all in the disguise that this is God's will and purpose which it is obviously not.

    Unfortunately the reason why it takes so many Jehovah's Witnesses so long to wake up and realize that this is not God's organization and that they have perjured the truth is because the Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to question, analyze or debate any policies or instructions from headquarters. There is a mental mindset that when you walk into the Kingdom hall doors you leave any self observational thinking at the door or at least it's very frowned on. Remember too that at the book studies and watchtower studies the questions on the material is given by them they tell you what to think and how to think about their written material. This in essence is mind manipulation and control its not too hard to understand that.

    So it kind of seems that the WTS. really started a psychosis of fear to the public by using world events and the imminent Armageddon in a venture to power themselves and power they certainly did receive. Having said that I can honestly say that I've gained some things from the organization perhaps some communication skills and some knowledge of other religions to my benefit and I did meet some very good people there, but I’m glad I’m out and probably will never return.

    All the best .....

  • Kaput
    but I’m glad I’m out and probably will never return.

    Probably??? Then you have "a ways to go yet".

  • Morgan

    Brainwashing may be too harsh of a term....It's more a conditioning process, especially for those who are raised a jw. After being bottle-fed with wts doctrine, we read the Bible with 'wts glasses' on. The wts has made it very difficult for removal of these 'glasses' through the shunning policy and the overall fear of wts teachings..(eg. death at armageddon, etc.).

    I myself, do not have any family in the wts. I began studying at age 18. After 20+ years of 'fence sitting' (I was never baptised as a jw), I chose to get to the bottom of my own procrastination. I started reading the Bible without any so-called aids of the wts, taking a fresh look at the scriptures. My goal was to have a personal relationship with God, irregardless of what that meant. And, my spiritual growth began to take the drivers seat. I have never looked back....only forward.

    For those who have family in, looking and holding back would be a natural reaction. It would be very difficult to leave the 'pack'. It's similar to being raised with abuse...it's the only life they know. Leaving is not really an option.....for they question, 'where would they go'? The conditioning has left them dependent upon the wts for thier basic needs of family, structure, acceptance, and the purpose of life, (no matter how dysfuctional in reality). Just some additional thoughts....

  • LeslieV

    Personally, I think there is many reasons:

    1. Some of the teachings might not be true, but where else would I go? I still feel the need to have a spiritual life.

    2. It appeals to those with self-esteem issues....God picked me to see the "truth." Pretty difficult to acknowledge that maybe it is not true when it makes you feel better about yourself.

    3. It appeals to those with power and control issues. Look at the power I have over others, I am better than those "wordly people" that can not see the "truth." If I left I would lose the feeling of power I have over others.

    4. We are raised with the belief that if you have a problem, even questioning the religion..it is your failure. YOU are not spiritual enough , YOU need to pray more, read more, preach more etc. So basically when you are always told that it is your failure after awhile YOU believe it. It is not the organization..it is YOU.

    5. THE biggest is loosing all your family, support, friends for many of us is all we know. How do we fit into a world that we really do not know anything about. How do you make friends with "the world" when all your life you have been warned against it. How does a square peg fit into a round hole. That is how many of us feel. JMO


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