Do you know the feeling of looking out of the window at the sky, thinking 'there will be no Armageddon, everything is well, I followed my conscience...' ?
Do you know the feeling of just going for a walk, all alone.. and realizing that you are alive and out of it, that there is no God counting your hours and meetings? That is was all just a bad dream, that you are free now to follow your own moral compass.. it makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time...
Do you sometimes look at the faces of total strangers in the streets or on the train, wondering how you could have ever thought that most of them could be murdered any moment by some 'loving' God? Sometimes I just look at them, I love them, I secretly want to tell them about it.. about how strange and wonderful life is when you get out, but then I laugh when I think how silly that would sound.
Does this sound silly?
Deus Mauzim
P.S. I'm new, and newly out.