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AllTimeJeffs Story
by AllTimeJeff 116 Replies latest members private
Thanks for the bump perfect1, this is a great thread.
Thanks ATJ for writing it!!!
Wow! An inspiration. I am very close to publishing my own story. Then leaving it behind! Probably will this Sunday.
Thanks ATJ for your story. I am glad to see you progressing as we all are.
did you ever go back to college or university?
Sammy Jenkis
I read your story on another site, I think it might have been jwfacts but I have to really thank you for putting it all out there. I feel so much for your brother and the time you lost while you were inside but you and the rest of us at one point or another really did think we were right.
His Excellency
Jeff .... wonderful life story and very sad but happy you are in another place today .... never had found your story until today ... I too am in Michigan (Flint area) and have had a long protracted exit from the clutch of the JWs (and boy do they hate me) .... have been out now since maybe 2004/2005 and although I am English Sept 11 2001 changed my life I understood and in many ways became an "American" too ... life has never been better thanks to the freedom I have .... All the best to you