Incredible story - welcome
AllTimeJeffs Story
by AllTimeJeff 116 Replies latest members private
Jeff, what an incredible story. You could seriously write a book about it...
You have lived an amazing life and I am in awe of your strength. I am even more awed by how you put up with your ex-wife for so long! I appreciate the insider information you had on Gilead. I look forward to more stories.
Jeff, that is quite a story and I am so sorry for your brother and parents. You have integrity no matter what your wife thinks, but as you have pointed out they are all just trapped in a cult mentality. Be well and hang out here with us. Cheers
Wow, I am late, I know, but I just read your story, Jeff. And what a story!!! Please let us know how things turn out with your mom and dad. Oh, and welcome to the board.
Frankly, I look back and can see that I had set these goals that I was going to achieve without realizing I didn't want to go. For her though, she would have been happy to go their and never return. And she definitly had no empathy or sympathy for me. I tried for over half a year when we came back to get her to see that our marriage was in trouble, but I couldn't even talk to her. She compared leaving her missionary assignment to losing a baby, a comparason that still upsets me.
I'm so sorry you were mismatched with a partner like that Jeff. Sounds like her whole identity was tied up with being in a glorified position in the "service of God". Not your fault obviously; just sad that people are like that.
Your wife sounds identical to my husband! He told me I ruined his life by becoming pregnant with our firstborn because we had to leave Bethel. I had no idea when I married him that he cared only about full time service and sex. Or sex and full time service, not sure which had priority.
Rude awakening there! Dummy me, I thought he loved and wanted me but turns out neither of us really loved the other, so in a way we got what we deserved. In this though I am not comparing us to you.
Paisley, at least your husband likes sex! (small ex wife joke, sorry)
Anywhoooo, Dad still believes all the 1914 crap, and wants to see my brother resurrected. So it was a big strike out there, although he told me no matter what my standing in the congregation, he wouldn't shun me. It has been hard to talk to him since though. My mom and I are getting along just fine. That is good. My challenge is making new friends, but I have made a couple, and that is good.... I really appreciate all the well wishes and pm's. Thanks to all for such a warm welcome!
Oh my God...our stories are almost identical! Just take out Gilead, and insert RBC. Take out the cleaning job and put in a night job. Keep the wife and add a beautiful ten year old daughter. Its uncanny. Its amazing that the local elder body is now questioning my mental state, since who in their right mind would leave the "Spiritual Paradise?" One thing is sure, your certainty in making your decisions is inspiring.
tsof -
darth frosty
wow incredible story from an ex J-dub in the detroit area hand in there.
Wow totally gripping story Jeff - really enjoyed reading that. Thats not one we're likely to see in a Watchtower anytime soon is it.
We're about the same age, I was also homeschooled, also tried for baptism very young and was made to wait while I took 3 years to study the bible cover to cover and got baptised at 13.
So sorry to hear that your brother was treated so cruelly - that is really unforgivable.
I hope you find true love, enjoy furthering your education (you sound quite smart) and working for something meaningful! Would be great to meet you one day.
Welcome Jeff to the forum! Your story is amazing to say the least. I agree with you. After all that has happened to us former JWs we should be careful not to become bitter. That is not a healthy state of mind and prevents a person from moving on.
I wish you the very best and I commend you on your life goals. I hope you continue to post how you are doing.