As of Thursday night I am no longer a Jehovahs Witness

by Es 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrentR

    Congradulations!!!!! You will never regret it. Things will only improve for you from here on out. Twentythree years later I have never once been tempted to go back. The only downside is not leaving them earlier then I did. I will always kick myself for not getting out sooner but I can't change the past.

    Good luck!!!!

  • lovelylil

    ((( es)))

    Sorry that you have to go through this. I'm happy that you and your hubby and kids are out of that awful cult. Give it time, your parents will come around. People are leaving that cult in droves anyway and I have a feeling that real soon, people like your parents will wake up and realize they made the biggest mistake of their lives. I'll be thinking about you, Lilly

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?


    i'm proud of you and sad for you and happy for you and empathizing with you.


  • YoursChelbie

    This cult breaks up families again and again.

    Maybe one day your dad will realize how wrong he is to do that to you. It's his loss.



  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Es,

    I hope you and the family are well.

    I know how much a relief it can be to be finally out, sorry about the upset though.

    All the best



    I'm so sorry for anyone having to go through this! Your parents are truly the ones missing out.


  • greendawn

    Congrats for having now come out totally into the open. Having read in the past many of your stories about the shunning from your family I thought you had already D/Aed long ago. What a stupid pharisaic religion.

  • Es

    Thank you all so much your beautiful responses made me cry and im so lucky to have a wonderful family like you all.

    It was bound to happen ive been living like this for nearly 5 years so in a way im lucky that its taken this long. And well now i can just fully move on knowing they know what I do in my life.

    They are the ones missing out on me and to tell you the truth i think they know that, but its never going to change.

    Im lucky i have a wonderful husband and kids and friends to fulfill my life


  • Es

    heya greendawn,

    yeah i think thats why im ok ive lived with the shunning off and on for those 5 years so im used to it. I mean its been a year since they spoke or saw me last so ive learnt to deal

  • moshe

    If I had parents that said that to me , I'm afraid I would have to tell them I would have to severely limit their association with my kids to just emergencies ,too.

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