awww thanks guys i really really appreciate it.
Yeah its a tough one for the kids hey on one hand I want my son to see them coz he asks about them alot, but on the other like you have all said we come as a package. Hubby has already said he doesnt want anything to do with them if they dont want anything to do with me. He said if he ever saw them again he would tell them how stupid they are. I already made it very clear last time they asked to see my son that i didnt trust them not to indoctrine him.
But last time we saw them which was a few months ago they promised to do all these things with my son like take him to the movies etc and they didnt so its prob never going to happen, there religion is far too important to them.
And yeah they havnt spoken to both Blake and I for over a year, it took the birth of my daughter for them to come and see me, so it was like i was D\A anyway, nothing has changed i guess.
Im wondering if the elders are going to call to confirm or set up a meeting, I know for sure im not going.
aww sparkplug wish you lived closer too babe a hug would be nice
luv ya all