by Gill 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro
    When elders are called togeter, it is for circling the wagons. The fractions are becoming an issue because many JW feel to take a fraction will cause them to lose out on ev life. The GB can't say that this is an adjustment, or else they will open themselves up to the mother of all lawsuits. But despite what was stated in the 2000 WT and the subsequent WT's local elders still don't understand what it is and how to explain it or answer questions.

    Exactly. I've heard nothing about a US meeting. Although I've turned in my resignation as an elder, none of my elder friends in other parts of the country don't know yet and I spoke to one a few days ago and nothing was mentioned. ATJ is spot on.

    Most of the elders here don't understand despite the lift 5 years ago. I believe many of the JWs believe that the only reason the WTS said it is permissible to use fractions is to reduce liability in lawsuits (at least that is how a few folks explained it to me when we were talking about the latest KM insert). They've been conditioned to react as if taking blood is a mortal sin and they will be destroyed if they do it. I honestly think that if the GB made it a non-DAing offense, the majority of JWs, especially the older ones, would still refuse blood.

  • moshe

    JW's are just a bunch of parasites when it comes to blood fractions. They don't donate blood to help others, but glady use the blood donations of worldly people to save their own life. If the whole world were JW's, where would the blood come from then?


  • Gill

    Moshe - they would all have to use 'Hemopure', or 'old cows blood.' I can't believe I'm even writing that. Over time, the ludicrousness of the whole situation is amazing.

    I'd like to know is what they've got to say about Blood that is taking them two days to discuss. I thought yesterday that perhaps it was a one day event, but the meetings have been cancelled for today and it is running into its second day. What more can you add to 'abstain from blood.' Surely you either do abstain or you don't?

  • moshe

    I told a JW this past week on the phone, " I'm glad to hear you guys are accepting blood, now"

    "Oh, no we abstain from blood transfusions" "We obey the Bible's commands on blood", he said.

    "No you, don't", I told him, "if you take all those blood fractions and add water, then you get 98% pure blood!", " You're not fooling Jehovah at all with your blood fractions scheme"

    He sputtered and and tried to worm his way out of it, but I know that I got him in the end. Deep down inside JW's know they are accepting a psuedo blood transfusion, if they agree to blood fractions. Hence, all the confusion among JW's along with the idea that weak brothers accept the blood fractions.

  • BluesBrother
    A large meeting is being held this weekend with local elders and also many elders from all over the country/the United Kingdom and members from the Bethel and Hospital Liason Committee to discuss the blood issue.

    Much as I would like to see changes in the policiy, I would not get too excited about this..I also have heard of a "Seminar" being held this weekend in the Midlands with Bethel heavies and all in attendance. Call it a Circuit Assembly for the HLC and that is about it. God knows that they need bolstering up from time to time. They have the hardest job to do, defending the decisions before actual surgeons...

    A pep talk for the boys is about all there is to it

  • Gill

    BluesBrother - It may well be one and the same meeting that you refer to.

    What's so complicated that it takes two days to discuss, however?

  • DannyHaszard

    Jehovah's Witnesses revile the Red Cross

    The Red Cross was denounced by the Jehovah's Witnesses elder conducting the service as a "wealthy racket who get the blood for free and then sell it for ...
  • garybuss

    Witnesses I know are aware of the conflict with accepting blood fractions and they see no problem with the policy of accepting blood fractions not being a shunning offense because they do not take blood in any form.

    Taking blood fractions would be taking blood in a form (of fractions) and they will not allow conflict in their walk to everlasting life in paradise, so they refuse all blood medical treatment. They see the act of refusing whole blood medical treatment as a test by God and they see the accepting of blood fractions as just another test from God. They say no to the fractions. Some even say no to dialysis just in case God doesn't like dialysis.

    Many Witnesses I know actually don't trust Bethel and they don't really trust or like the new teachings on conscience matters.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I forgot, but after KM School, they have smaller follow up meetings about a year or so later. That could be all this is.

  • Gill

    Might be that, Jeff. But they had the KM school four weeks ago.

    This sounds like the meeting that BlueBrother is aware of and is only on the topic of the Blood Issue.

    No doubt the topic is a big problem for the WTBTS and its HLC members who have to regularly defend a nonsensical policy and they need as much brainwashing as possible to keep them up to speed on the topic.

    The blood issue is now a completely different monster to the one that was decreed by Rutherford in 1945. Older Witnesses would not recognise it as the same and do not recognise the spin that the WTBTS is putting on their 'new' face for this policy now. It is the new face, the fractions, that has made total donkeys of their Masters in Brooklyn. Imagine being an elder who has to defend this bizarre policy to a well educated and experienced surgeon in the intimidating atmosphere of an hospital where a JW lies dying. What an idiot he must feel.

    So, perhaps not this week, next or this year or next but the Blood Policy will have to be completely returned to what it was originally or scrapped, in so much as the WTBTS will dictate nothing, Either scenario means nothing but embarrassment at the least, and law suits at the worse for the WTBTS.

    To defend the indefensible......this is the miserable duty of a fool!

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