Thetrueone - No new light? Jehovah's Witnesses already are permitted to take blood fractions - this is new light.
Vinnys post on this was very interesting as he tears apart the WTBTS law making on blood. But! Once the WTBTS banned vaccinations. Now vaccinations are fine. Once the WTBTS banned organ transplants and now they're fine. Once the WTBTS banned all blood and blood products....and on this one we're half way there.....blood products are fine. One more little step and taking blood will be entirely a conscience matter. And Why?
The WTBTS cares more for the dollar/pound/lire/franc etc in its pocket than it does about its slaves lives.
The WTBTS provides the information on why blood is so bad, and provides the HLC members to help the slaves prevent blood transfusions. For the WTBTS to be totally free of any liability they will have to stop both of these activities and I suspect that will eventually happen.
Many of the WTBTS slaves are choosing to die from lack of blood from their own free will now. They don't have the diligence to actually find out whether what their masters have told them for years is true or not; that the Bible condemns taking blood transfusions.
Eventually, this has to come to court in one way or another. If the WTBTS wants to avoid that then it will have to drop its sanctions on accepting blood transfusions. It is no longer sanctionable by DF'ing. Though the results are the same with being considered DA'ing, the WTBTS is not permitted to DF a person. Little steps, and even tiny steps. But there is constant 'new light' from the lawyers in Brooklyn.
The blood policy will either have to go completely back to the drawing board and be taken as a blanket ban, or it will just have to be quietly dropped.
The WTBTS may not WANT to make these decisions but it will be FORCED to make them.....not next week, not next month even, but maybe far sooner than we can imagine.