I know that when I was still attending, wives who were also mothers were being strongly admonished, firmly instructed, that it was necessary to put the husband first and the children second, always. That this would be properly showing respect for headship and would lend toward a healthier family.
One Circuit Overseer was very staunch on this, and I believe it was also in print. What I don't recall is whether the women were also being told they should actually love their husbands more than their children. If that were the case, what a joke! You love whom you love and however much you love them.
Personally I always tried to be very supportive of both my children and my husband, though I had little respect for him as a man; I did care deeply about him in spite of my lack of respect and romantic love for him. I defended him and took care of him always. He just didn't take care of himself or return the favor with regard to his wife and children.
I also think it would be very sad if a woman loved her husband more than her children, that this would be pretty unnatural, and would probably stem from selfishness or fear of some kind.