I was just nominated to the National Dean's List. I know that there are a lot of other college students and college graduates here, anybody ever been on it? Did it help your career, or is it just a waste of time?
National Dean's List.
by jeeprube 18 Replies latest jw experiences
Wow, Nobody?
I don't think they have this in Canada. I did make the Dean's List at my school and was very proud of myself for doing so.
Even though I am told that employers don't care about your marks I don't think I really believe this.
Send your info in. I think it would look great on your resume. Plus would you really want to look back on this opportunity later in life and kick yourself for not accepting it?!
Dams -
.........and Congratulations!!!
I was put into the National Chancellor's List twice ... same thing ... same company ... Dean's List is for undergraduate, Chancellor's List is for graduate. I bought their book the first time because I thought it was an honor, but the second time I didn't. I kinda think it's gimmicky, and their books and other memorabilia is outrageously priced! It doesn't cost anything to send in the form and be published though! It looks great to list on a resume, even if it is kinda gimmicky. And it is still an honor ... even if they do try to sell you a book.
Hi Jeeprube,
Did you join Phi Theta Kappa (the 2-year college honor society)? When I became a member of PTK last year, being listed on the National Dean's List was automatic. It sounds good, doesn't it? Enjoy! I sent in the biographical info when my invitation letter came. I sure don't think it will be a bad thing to have on a resume. But my cynical side tells me that it is a really great way to sell very expensive books and accessories to us hard-working college students. Still, I couldn't resist. I bought the book (around $70 and up).
I made it twice but couldn't afford the book as a struggling student. Didn't seem to mean much except I had my choices of grad schools, again to which I couldn't afford to attend at the time. carmel
I made the jw reject list... is that the same?
Madame Quixote
Yes, and I suppose so. Just going to college tends to allow you to circulate among more affluent, educated, better-paying/paid individuals. Because of that, I make a good deal more money doing what I do than others doing the same thing; but I don't know if Deans List made my life richer, more fulfilling or anything. Education should accomplish that, whether or not you make the Dean's List, if you're really learning, you know.
Anyway, it's an accomplishment and you should be very proud of yourself.
You get to be printed in the Who's Who. Now isn't that exciting - a namelist/"book" that costs 40 or 50 bucks and is only purchased by other Dean's Listers and never looked at by anyown else, probably!
Congratulations and a big party to you!