Why do they succeed in getting people baptized? What do you think???
How Do You Think Jehovah's Witnesses Actually "Get" People?
by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends
Targeting family members is a big way...manipulate those family ties which extends to...
Opportunity to live forever in a paradise earth with resurrected family members and friends.
A need to belong which is not completely offered until the person gets baptized.
Blaise Paschal came up with the formula. It is his "leap of faith" scenario.
People reason, "If I'm wrong, then; big deal--no harm done." "If I'm right, then; I get all the rewards!"
They don't stop to think how their life will be swallowed up in meaningless rituals and a straitjacket of behavior modifications and personal judgements.
Everybody wants a free ride. When you are plunged in the water you have hung yourself out to dry on a peg in the Kingdom Hall.
Someone recently said to me that "only the weak minded" join.
Going after those who are emotionally weak. (for new converts) Pushing it on people who are young and impressionable. (raised ins)
"Someone recently said to me that "only the weak minded" join." -- Minimus
A self-professed heathen-friend had said to me a similar thing about 6-7 years ago. She had a JW neice, and I had been a former JW (but at that time was still under the WT-mindset).
Her know-it-all opinion was that "God is for weak people."
I disagree, naturally. ;-D
/ag -
....maybe we were all weak minded for a time.
Flirty Fishing? :)
only the weak minded
Do not agree with that. It would have to be applied to every other religion also. There are many intelligent people among JW and other religion and cults.
Would you rather be a Catholic and pray to St.Joseph and Mary and Peter, kiss a statue and bow down to it, wear a cross around your neck as a good luck charm and look to the Pope as your leader? Yet over a billion people are doing it.
How about strapping a bomb on your body and killing innocent people thinking that immediately after that you'll be in heaven with 7 or 70 virgins?
The point is, stupidity is in every religion just as much as one does not want to beleive in god and that we evolved from monkeys.
sspo---great rsponse!