Some points from the article:
Since 2000 you are no longer DF but DA if you take blood he understands that its basically the same. He thinks that the GB is preparing some bigger change and they don't want to admit that they where wrong.
He describes the meeting in Jerusalem that the apostles had about what part of the mosaic law was still applicapable to the non jewish christians. According to Luke the conclusion of the meeting (abstain from blood) was to be told in a specific area and not to Rome or Korinthe etc.
JWs take the bible as the inerrant word of God and because the account about blood is mentioned in the bible they think it's still applicapable to them.
Paul has wrote about this meeting also in Galatians only 5 years after the meeting instead of 40 years as Luke did. He describes the same meeting in Gal. 2:1-10 His conclusion was that they should do nothing Gal 2:6. The non Jewish christians should only financialy support jerusalem.
So the two stories contradict each other, most scholars take the word of Paul as true because he was a first hand witness and it's written only 5 years after the event. The story as Luke wrote it never happend. So there is no historical ground for the blood doctrine that JW have.
Why did Luke then mention this. Luke was writing a history of the church and wanted to explain how certain rules came to exists. History shows us that some congregations did live by the result of the meeting as Luke described it. However Gal 2:6 proves that it was not the outcome of that meeting.
JWs believe the bible contains no errors or contradictions so they don't see Gal 2:6 as prove that the convenant about blood is not historically correct. Such great trust in the bible deserves the name fundamentalist. They don't take into consideration the circumstance that Luke was in when he wrote it. He wanted to explain the history and had little information at his disposal. The most important steps in his story are taken by apostles which is understandable from his view.
If Luke tells that the decree is only applicable to a small geographic area how can JWs apply it to America Europe Africa etc in the 21st century? It is not correct to apply this text to all time and all space as it contradicts what is said in Acts 15:23
The whole idea of the decree was the integration between jewish christians and non jewish christians. This is not the case today anymore.
The scripture talks about blood of animals not humans and about eating it not about infusing it. Blood was seen as the carrier of the power of life. The idea was that you should not take the lifepower of someone else by eating blood. Today we know that this is not the case.
The meaning of the scripture was not to prevent blood as being used in life and death situations.
I will continue in the next post.