Well our furnace was acting up Monday night. It wasn't staying on, which when it's positively freezing out, is not good.
My husband called a few different people and finally asked me if I would be ok if he called my brother? See, my brother is a) a heating and cooling guy and b) the heating and cooling guy who put in our furnace a few years back. So, who better to call?
So I said fine, as I would be working yesterday anyway and if could come over, I'd be gone anyway. We tried various phone numbers and couldn't reach him, so finally my husband emailed him Monday night and told him he could call him the following day.
Well, I left for work, my brother calls my husband. He decides to come over and help us out, very nice of him, I know.
He comes in and my youngest one shows him her slippers, which she tells him she got for Christmas and her watch which she got for her birthday. I guess he was pretty nice about it, didn't get mad or weirded out.
He fixed our furnace. As he was leaving, he was nice, still he and my husband got to talking. My brother said that this sort of stuff was ok, and if he would have seen me he would have talked to me (I would not have been there either way). My husband said something about the situation we were all in and my brother said that they as JWs were 100% one way. And he also said that it was like Noah's day. And the doors are closing and we're not getting on the boat....so....
My husband piped in, yeah, we're toast.
My brother says, well, yeah. And the prophecies are coming true (I'm totally paraphrasing this right now) and to live our lives to the fullest...blah. blah. blah.
Ya know, when did God die and put him in charge of things? It cracks me up to no end, that God is going to whack me and my kids and husband (and the rest of this horrible world) and child molesters will make it through if they just say they're sorry.
I told my husband there is no way in hell I'm dealing with him or any of them, he is more then welcome to, as long as I'm not around, because if he would have said that to me, I would have told him to get the bleepity bleep out of my house.
I can't believe I beleived this stuff just a couple of years ago.Seems like a lifetime ago now.
Hey ho, gotta go take kids to school.
hope you are all having a good day(morning, night depending on what continent you live on)(and what part)