My "best friend" who will no longer talk to me because I'm DF'd is serving temporary service ay Brooklyn Bethel. He and his wife were to be there for a month or two a year or so ago. When they were just a few days from the end of thier stay, they got a letter asking them if they could extend it for another month or so. They did. They returned home later. Now, they went back some months ago and again at the end of the term they got another letter asking if they could extend thier stay. They did. Then that term came to an end and the night before they were to leave they got another letter asking if they could yet again extend thier stay. I have heard of this quite a few times. I'm wondering, why the heck does the GB do this?? Why do they wait just days or hours before you are supposed to leave to ask you to stay? I think it's to weed out those who are so devoted as to put thier entire life on hold for the society. I think they are looking for people like my buddy who sold thier house and quite thier jobs just to serve for weeks at Bethel. If they did that they are clearly mindless people and are therefore PERFECT for the organization the bethel service.
What do you think?
Why do they do that?
by nonamegiven 10 Replies latest jw experiences
What do you think?
it's sad ...
I don't think that that kind of devotion is necessarily bad in and of itself. The problem comes when the thing they are devoted to is lying to them and has lied to them their whole lives JUST TO GET THAT KIND OF DEVOTION FROM THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE.
But why would Bethel do that? Are they so disorganized that they don't know they need you for the next 4 months untill the day before? I don't think so. I think it's another way for them to get you into a submissive posture.
But why would Bethel do that? Are they so disorganized that they don't know they need you for the next 4 months untill the day before? I don't think so. I think it's another way for them to get you into a submissive posture.
Cause the old men in charge can't think that far ahead!!
darth frosty
The question you should be asking is what better way to completely sucker someone in? As jeff reported about gilead and many ex bethelites can atest to, when your in the upper echelons its all about control. By making it seam they are needed, will they back down from a request to stay by god himself? This is a form of testing they do. Unless a couple is highly skilled in some specialized field, invites to stay at bethel are few and far between. When they see someone with potential, like your friends, they want to make sure they are well grounded company people.
You know what ticks me off the most? I was the one that got this friend in the truth. I studied with him, encouraged him, counsled him and kept him going. Now he's in till death and I'm out for life!
Why do they wait just days or hours before you are supposed to leave to ask you to stay? I think it's to weed out those who are so devoted as to put thier entire life on hold for the society.
I think you have hit the nail on the head
Madame Quixote
"But why would Bethel do that? Are they so disorganized that they don't know they need you for the next 4 months untill the day before? I don't think so. I think it's another way for them to get you into a submissive posture." Probably the same reason so many soldiers are having their tours of duty involuntarily extended in Iraq: there is a shortage of soldiers/new recruits willing to accept the lies of the current administration. And the American public is unwilling to accept an official draft, so extending duty simply sneaks in a different sort of draft. The JWs are clearly operating in the same way; they are losing committed Bethelites and not having much success recruiting new ones because of the perception that they are a bunch of liars and out of touch with the rest of humanity (or the electorate/R&F who are struggling financially).