Someone on another site was asking "what if they are right?" which made me think about why I know that they are not and I wondered what was your epiphany or road to damascus moment or moments that just made you realise - hey I've been led up the garden path here!
here was my response but I really think a list of reasons on one thread for easy reference for newbies would be good. We all have different reasons or things that made us finally think for ourselves.
You definitely need to read some of the above mentioned books. Consider them part of the healing. I wish i had much sooner as it took my 15 years of being out but still believing it was all still true and that crippled me career wise, emotionall, spiritually and physically. You are young enough to really benefit from spending a little time proving to yourself it is all bollocks.
You may decide afterwards you still have a faith in God thats fine. I personally found my big shift came after a visit to the Dynamic Earth Exhibition kids section in Edinburgh (which is a fun morning out anyway) which made me realise that JWs hadnt quite been telling the truth about how scientific evolution is and actually how likely it was and how very simplisitic and ill thought out their arguments are.
But start where feels right to you. If something already strikes you as odd or unsound make your investigation start there and gradually you will find lots of things that seem wrong.
my second turning point was on another JW website which had audio experiences of JWs who had left because of things that were covered up by teh organisation and one of these was how they taught vaccinations were wrong and had blood in them resulting in doubtless qwuite a few JW kids in the States dying or not being allowed to attend school - as this was a government rule. Some parents went so far as to burn acid scars onto their kids arms so they looked like they had been vaccinated so they could attend school. It turned out Rutherford never investigated whether there were any blood products in the vaccinataions and when one enterprising brother did he discovered there wasn't.
I then found the Quotes site which in the last year the WBTS running scared have closed down - all it did was print word for word quotes of their teachings from their own literature - yet they took the guy weho ran it to court and threatened him with all sort of things simply for publishing what our grandparent JWs were encouraged to publsih as good pioneers. That in itself is enough to make me know this is no religion from God.
I have more and more reasons the more I think of it - but you need to find them out for yourself but we're always happy to point you to sites and books that will help.
So what made you question and stop believing?