New to this list so I am not aware what has been discussed perhaps I am requesting for repete answers forgive me if this is the case. I am very interested in the Christ Michael argument. Could I be directed to all Watchtower arguments where this belief is set out. I also wish to be directed to Scholarly articals books which give this subject its historical developement a bibliography would be most warmly received. Thanks.
Angel Christology
by POSTMAN 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Here's the WT presentation from Reasoning from the Scriptures:
JesusChristthesamepersonasMichaelthearchangel?The name of this Michael appears only five times in the Bible. The glorious spirit person who bears the name is referred to as "one of the chief princes," "the great prince who has charge of your [Daniel’s] people," and as "the archangel." (Dan. 10:13; 12:1; Jude 9, RS) Michael means "Who Is Like God?" The name evidently designates Michael as the one who takes the lead in upholding Jehovah’s sovereignty and destroying God’s enemies.
At 1 Thessalonians 4:16 (RS), the command of Jesus Christ for the resurrection to begin is described as "the archangel’s call," and Jude 9 says that the archangel is Michael. Would it be appropriate to liken Jesus’ commanding call to that of someone lesser in authority? Reasonably, then, the archangel Michael is Jesus Christ. (Interestingly, the expression "archangel" is never found in the plural in the Scriptures, thus implying that there is only one.)
Revelation 12:7-12 says that Michael and his angels would war against Satan and hurl him and his wicked angels out of heaven in connection with the conferring of kingly authority on Christ. Jesus is later depicted as leading the armies of heaven in war against the nations of the world. (Rev. 19:11-16) Is it not reasonable that Jesus would also be the one to take action against the one he described as "ruler of this world," Satan the Devil? (John 12:31) Daniel 12:1 (RS) associates the ‘standing up of Michael’ to act with authority with "a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time." That would certainly fit the experience of the nations when Christ as heavenly executioner takes action against them. So the evidence indicates that the Son of God was known as Michael before he came to earth and is known also by that name since his return to heaven where he resides as the glorified spirit Son of God.
Search for "angelic Christology" or "angelomorphic Christology" on google. You'll find a number of good books and papers, and a few online articles right on the first page.
Welcome to the board!!
I rember this subject being discussed here before but I don't have the links. However here is some info from the WTS. I am sure others here will have alot more info to share with you.
In the publication "What Does the Bible Really Teach?" in the appendix on page 218 it says:
Who Is Michael the Archangel?THE spirit creature called Michael is not mentioned often in the Bible. However, when he is referred to, he is in action. In the book of Daniel, Michael is battling wicked angels; in the letter of Jude, he is disputing with Satan; and in Revelation, he is waging war with the Devil and his demons. By defending Jehovah’s rulership and fighting God’s enemies, Michael lives up to the meaning of his name—"Who Is Like God?" But who is Michael?
At times, individuals are known by more than one name. For example, the patriarch Jacob is also known as Israel, and the apostle Peter, as Simon. (Genesis 49:1, 2; Matthew 10:2) Likewise, the Bible indicates that Michael is another name for Jesus Christ, before and after his life on earth. Let us consider Scriptural reasons for drawing that conclusion.Archangel. God’s Word refers to Michael "the archangel." (Jude 9) This term means "chief angel." Notice that Michael is called the archangel. This suggests that there is only one such angel. In fact, the term "archangel" occurs in the Bible only in the singular, never in the plural. Moreover, Jesus is linked with the office of archangel. Regarding the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Thessalonians 4:16 states: "The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice." Thus the voice of Jesus is described as being that of an archangel. This scripture therefore suggests that Jesus himself is the archangel Michael.Army Leader. The Bible states that "Michael and his angels battled with the dragon . . . and its angels." (Revelation 12:7) Thus, Michael is the Leader of an army of faithful angels. Revelation also describes Jesus as the Leader of an army of faithful angels. (Revelation 19:14-16) And the apostle Paul specifically mentions "the Lord Jesus" and "his powerful angels." (2 Thessalonians 1:7; Matthew 16:27; 24:31; 1 Peter 3:22) So the Bible speaks of both Michael and "his angels" and Jesus and "his angels." (Matthew 13:41) Since God’s Word nowhere indicates that there are two armies of faithful angels in heaven—one headed by Michael and one headed by Jesus—it is logical to conclude that Michael is none other than Jesus Christ in his heavenly role.
More information showing that the name Michael applies to God’s Son is found in Volume 2, pages 393-4, of InsightontheScriptures, published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Here is the reference from the "Insight on the Scriptures" Vol. 2 pages 393-4:
*** it-2 pp. 393-394 Michael ***
MICHAEL(Mi´cha·el) [Who Is Like God?].1. The only holy angel other than Gabriel named in the Bible, and the only one called "archangel." (Jude 9) The first occurrence of the name is in the tenth chapter of Daniel, where Michael is described as "one of the foremost princes"; he came to the aid of a lesser angel who was opposed by "the prince of the royal realm of Persia." Michael was called "the prince of [Daniel’s] people," "the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of [Daniel’s] people." (Da 10:13, 20, 21; 12:1) This points to Michael as the angel who led the Israelites through the wilderness. (Ex 23:20, 21, 23; 32:34; 33:2) Lending support to this conclusion is the fact that "Michael the archangel had a difference with the Devil and was disputing about Moses’ body."—Jude 9.
Scriptural evidence indicates that the name Michael applied to God’s Son before he left heaven to become Jesus Christ and also after his return. Michael is the only one said to be "the archangel," meaning "chief angel," or "principal angel." The term occurs in the Bible only in the singular. This seems to imply that there is but one whom God has designated chief, or head, of the angelic host. At 1 Thessalonians 4:16 the voice of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ is described as being that of an archangel, suggesting that he is, in fact, himself the archangel. This text depicts him as descending from heaven with "a commanding call." It is only logical, therefore, that the voice expressing this commanding call be described by a word that would not diminish or detract from the great authority that Christ Jesus now has as King of kings and Lord of lords. (Mt 28:18; Re 17:14) If the designation "archangel" applied, not to Jesus Christ, but to other angels, then the reference to "an archangel’s voice" would not be appropriate. In that case it would be describing a voice of lesser authority than that of the Son of God.
There are also other correspondencies establishing that Michael is actually the Son of God. Daniel, after making the first reference to Michael (Da 10:13), recorded a prophecy reaching down to "the time of the end" (Da 11:40) and then stated: "And during that time Michael will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of [Daniel’s] people." (Da 12:1) Michael’s ‘standing up’ was to be associated with "a time of distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time." (Da 12:1) In Daniel’s prophecy, ‘standing up’ frequently refers to the action of a king, either taking up his royal power or acting effectively in his capacity as king. (Da 11:2-4, 7, 16b, 20, 21) This supports the conclusion that Michael is Jesus Christ, since Jesus is Jehovah’s appointed King, commissioned to destroy all the nations at Har–Magedon.—Re 11:15; 16:14-16.
The book of Revelation (12:7, 10, 12) specifically mentions Michael in connection with the establishment of God’s Kingdom and links this event with trouble for the earth: "And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled. And I heard a loud voice in heaven say: ‘Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down . . . On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea.’" Jesus Christ is later depicted as leading the heavenly armies in war against the nations of the earth. (Re 19:11-16) This would mean a period of distress for them, which would logically be included in the "time of distress" that is associated with Michael’s standing up. (Da 12:1) Since the Son of God is to fight the nations, it is only reasonable that he was the one who with his angels earlier battled against the superhuman dragon, Satan the Devil, and his angels.
In his prehuman existence Jesus was called "the Word." (Joh 1:1) He also had the personal name Michael. By retaining the name Jesus after his resurrection (Ac 9:5), "the Word" shows that he is identical with the Son of God on earth. His resuming his heavenly name Michael and his title (or name) "The Word of God" (Re 19:13) ties him in with his prehuman existence. The very name Michael, asking as it does, "Who Is Like God?" points to the fact that Jehovah God is without like, or equal, and that Michael his archangel is his great Champion or Vindicator.
2. The father of chieftain Sethur of the tribe of Asher who was one of the 12 sent to spy out Canaan.—Nu 13:2, 13.
3. Forefather of Asaph; of the family of Gershom, the son of Levi.—1Ch 6:39, 40, 43.
4. One of the heads of the tribe of Issachar; of the family of Tola.—1Ch 7:1-3.
5. A chieftain of the tribe of Manasseh who deserted to David at Ziklag.—1Ch 12:20.
6. The father of Omri, the head of a paternal house of Issachar during David’s reign.—1Ch 27:18.
7. One of the sons of King Jehoshaphat of Judah who, together with his brothers, received costly gifts and fortified cities from their father. However, when his older brother Jehoram became king, Jehoram killed all his six younger brothers, including Michael.—2Ch 21:1-4.
8. A Gadite and descendant of Buz; an ancestor of No. 9, at least five generations removed.—1Ch 5:11, 13, 14.
9. A Gadite, first of seven sons of Abihail, a descendant of No. 8 and a head of a house of Gilead enrolled genealogically during the days of Israelite King Jeroboam II and of Judean King Jotham.—1Ch 5:11-17.
10. A Benjamite; descendant of Shaharaim by his wife Hushim through Elpaal and Beriah.—1Ch 8:1, 8, 11-13, 16.
11. Father of the Zebadiah who went up to Jerusalem from Babylon with Ezra in 468 B.C.E.—Ezr 8:1, 8.
Hope this helps some.
Check out Larry Hurtado's Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity, (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2003) for a good survey of early Christian views of Jesus.
moggy lover
If you want to read a well researched article written from a WTS perspective I would reccomend the Jehovah's Witnesses United web site.
When you get to the site, click "site search" and a series of articles, including one entitled "Is Jesus Michael the Archangel"? will pop up. It is articulate, erudite, and even if, as in my case, not accepatable, still, conceded to be persuasive in its own right.
It prints out into a lengthy ten page document.
moggy lover,
You made me curious, but I can't find this article online right now... ??
Thanks for the book reference, Leo. I now have that one on order. It looks good
I would also recommend Larry Hurtado's books 'At the Origins of Christian Worship' and 'How on Earth Did Jesus Become a God?' (both of which I own), although they deal more on issues surrounding the development of devotion to Christ and 'worship' of him and do not directly address the Michael/archangel question.
moggy lover
Narkissos, I found that they have indeed changed the format of their site somewhat. To access the article I am talking about you will need to:
1 Type in the Jehovah's Witness's United site on Google
2 When you get to the page click "site search"
3 This where they have changed the format. Previously, a series of articles would pop up. But now you need to type in "Is Jesus Michael" in the site search using the "advanced search" clip.
4 The first article that pops up is one researched and written by one Chuck McManigal, who may or may not actually be a WT follower.
Read it and let us know your critique.
If you still have trouble try :
That argument sounds like the one for the Trinity and they say its false.