Well I have been working in law enforcement for many years now as a Sheriff's Corrections Officer, in the process I have worked in Housing, I have been a CTO (Correctional training officer) I have worked the medical division, I have worked in booking and intake. I have done facility security, perimeter security. One thing that kinda bothers me is that nowadays seems like there is no personal connection in law enforcement. Back where I come from the LEO types have a sense of comraderie, yet Im finding less and less of that anymore. No matter what board Im on (religious or not) I cant seem to make contact with anyone in my line of work. I would like so much to make contact with other LEO's especially XJW's. I would like to work together to combat child abuse, and offer my experiences and expertise. The problem is no one really cares. Someone told me recently that it is just the nature of the internet, yet I have no trouble connecting with other people across the country. I do my best to respond to other people's PM's here, but no XJW LEO has ever responded back to me yet. There is definitely a deep sense of disconnect going on in my life right now---------------------------------------------Dave
Law Enforcement Connections, Im puzzled
by Junction-Guy 32 Replies latest jw friends
When I was sworn in as a sheriffs deputy they told me do my 8 and hit the gate. That works for me. Its just a job.I leave it at the jail. Then I go out and live my life. Some people all my jw brother in laws, my wife, her sisters they all sit around and talk about work when ever they get together. I've never been like that. I always leave work at work and when I'm not at work I go to the gym or pursue my hobby of making music. Most people that work at my jail work 2 jobs so they dont really have time to sit around and talk about either one of them.
Well at least you responded to my post, thats a start.
Well I have adopted the " do your 8 hit the gate" it wasnt what I intended all along, I just kinda arrived there. I used to enjoy it so much, but now it's just a job, and I have no other connection to it. I wish I could reclaim some of the enthusiasm I once had, but its kinda hard since I feel disconnected from everyone else. I dont feel like I fit in anywhere, anymore.
I could be wrong, but I think this has less to do with your job than it does with where you are at mentally and emotionally. I've never been in any kind of law enforcement, but I have felt completely disconnected from those around me. I can't help you with any answers to this, I'm still figuring it out for myself.
and thats my two cents...
Thanks Misty, you are probably right. Being raised a JW always made me feel like an outsider. I always was an outsider until I moved to Kentucky in 1992. While living in Ky I made lots of friends, I also made lots of friends with the Law Enforcement and Rescue personnel there. It was a small community and everyone knew everyone. After moving to Tennessee in 1996 it has been very hard for me to reclaim any sense of belonging. I sought after Law Enforcement career, because it was something I was familiar with and something that I had many good experiences with in the past.
Tyrone van leyen
To tell you the truth Junction Guy when I left home, I thought about law enforcement or maybe even the army to pull up my bootstraps. My Uncle was an Ottawa Cop too. I didn't however, want anymore witness flak for carryinig a gun, or killing my fellow man in warfare. I couldn't get my mind around it. Keep in mind too,you may have a disposition or affiliation for this. Not everyone is cut out of the same bolt of cloth. People that are activists, are a different breed. Even in the witnesses, not everyone is cut out for public speaking, or feild service and are very unhappy with it.
Tyrone van leyen
Incidently, I'm a leo too, but astrlogically your partnership in your endeavours would best be suited to a scorpio, as leo's might engage in ego clashes and like to bask in glory, rather than give it out.
Thanks Tyrone for your input. I dont know if you were joking, or just didnt understand what I meant, but a LEO is a Law Enforcement Officer, that's what I was referring to, not an astrological sign.
Tyrone van leyen
That's hillarious I didn't know that. I was wondering why astrology was so important to you in this matter. You learn something new everyday!