I've read alot of stories on the sextuplets, and it's great to have the media reporting 'bad' light on the no-blood policy & JWs in general. But, we need to ramp it up. The media is missing the BIG story - the FRACTION LIE.
What we really need to get the media to focus is that "JWS ACCEPT BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS, only by what they call 'fractions'". Simply focusing on the points, "the religious belief is wrong" or "they are wackos" or "they are a cult" is a side story.
People can believe whatever, including that one only gets to heaven if they wear pink, fuzzy slippers. As long as the belief is sincere, it does not matter in court. The real story is that they, themselves, do not believe in their own religious belief. They are not sincere. They do not "abstain from blood" nor do they think that "blood, once outside the body, should be covered in dust." Instead, they take blood fractions, made from thousands of units of donated blood. If each individual fraction were added together, they would equal a whole unit of blood.
JW's are hypocrites to their own belief, and lie to the entire world. THIS IS THE REAL STORY.
Please, please, please get this point across. It WILL really sway the public and CURRENT JWs against this religion. Instead, every "they are wackos/cult/wrong" just makes the current dubs feel more perrsecuted and more right.