I was discussing with my husband how im happy to eat meat as long as its not game (venison, partridge etc) because i cant get the "no blood" out of my belief system yet and i know that game isn't bled.
He asked me - how do you think farm animals are killed today?
My answer - a metal bolt shot through the skull into the brain causing instant death - i understand from seeing programs that this is the practice in the uk anyhow, and we try to buy british - it helps the local economy more.
So how is the meat bled asks my husband? they don't slit the throat - its dead. it just gets hung for a while, cut up and sent out to supermarkets. Most supermarket meat, according to him, isn't hung long anyhow - thats why its so red, if it had been hung it would look browner.
Does that mean that i was bought up eating unbled meat and all my jw family are all unknowingly practicing the eating of blood?
how can i find out?