Stupid Brits!

by nicolaou 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • fifi40


    When we go abroad we are indolently expectant of everything being like it is at home...............reminds me of the joke.......All foreigners speak English, you just have to shout loud enough.

    The NHS.............dont get me started................lets give drug addicts cash payments, i-pods, televisions or vouchers for staying off drugs, but we cant afford to give the medication required to some people suffering with alzheimers, cancer and the like.

    And dare I say it, but didnt Enoch Powell have a point........................

  • becca1

    Is it true you all have bad teeth?

  • fifi40

    Becca 1

    Yep they are very please forgive us if they BITE ya...........................

  • Robdar

    We can take it! C'mon tell us why we're so stupid, it can't be that difficult we elected Tony Blair for god's sake!

    Of course you can take it, a Brit started this thread. You might not find it so funny if, say, a Frenchman started it.

    By the way, a good portion of you are drunk and you all have big feet. "Mind the gap" my ass.

  • Abaddon


    Of course you can take it, a Brit started this thread. You might not find it so funny if, say, a Frenchman started it.

    Go on then Robdar, if you're so determined to prove the average Brit is as sensitive as some Americans are, go to it. Try and be mean. No one will ever accuse you of being anti-British. You're just joining in what we probably do better and know more about than you, trashing our own country. Maybe you should start a thread trashing the US to show how well you can take it when you start such a thread, as that seems to be your argument.

    We don't have to be like some American's are. Britain doesn't have to be best at everything and uncriticized for Brits to feel okay about themselves. Saying we are shit is okay, especially if it's funny and at least partially true.

    You DO take this stuff seriously though! Relax!

  • LittleToe

    Well, ya know what thery say about men with big feet? Big feet...





    ...big shoes...

    Besides, we take the p*ss out of the French and Germans regularly, too, and they us

    We've been the butt of international humour for so long that we enjoy it. America has just started getting a taste of it for the last couple of decades, and has yet to succumb to the masochistic tendancy

  • fifi40


    Hic...............its su...rreal....your what was you sayin about our feets.......ah yes..........well at least thats the only part of us thats big...............and mind the gap well that doesnt apply to you anyway..........Hic

  • hillary_step

    I think that Quentin Crisp summed it up admirably :

    “I don't hold with abroad and think that foreigners speak English when our backs are turned”


  • tijkmo
    We suck at at sport every sport we invented. Football. Tennis. Cricket. Rugby. Boxing.

    hey we dont suck at rugby anymore...we've got jonny back

    and we beat the ozzies at cricket this week

    and 'we' have a wimbledon contender

    and rooney is back on form

    and boxing isnt a sport

  • dmouse

    I can't believe no one's mentioned Jade Goody yet!

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