Welcome, ex-nj-jw.
I can't get rid of the deep seated hatred I feel for this cult and its teachings!!! It's been 24 years, you think I'd be over it already!!! Anyone here feel the same?? How do I move on??
I suggest you sit silently, and nonjudgementally meet with the hatred.
Clearly see that it is just old thoughts and connected emotions; and more importantly clearly see that which is meeting with the hatred is not hatred; not in turmoil.
Now you have the power to consciously decide what you will do. Continue to feed the hatred, or bid it good day and move on.
If you decide to let go of it and move on, it may show its face again. Not a problem. Nonjudgementally sit with it again as if it was a hurting child. Be kind. In this way hatred becomes a teacher showing you the dynamics of the mind and body. You begin to see more clearly what you truly are, and are not.