Can't stop hating....

by ex-nj-jw 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JamesThomas

    Welcome, ex-nj-jw.

    I can't get rid of the deep seated hatred I feel for this cult and its teachings!!! It's been 24 years, you think I'd be over it already!!! Anyone here feel the same?? How do I move on??

    I suggest you sit silently, and nonjudgementally meet with the hatred.

    Clearly see that it is just old thoughts and connected emotions; and more importantly clearly see that which is meeting with the hatred is not hatred; not in turmoil.

    Now you have the power to consciously decide what you will do. Continue to feed the hatred, or bid it good day and move on.

    If you decide to let go of it and move on, it may show its face again. Not a problem. Nonjudgementally sit with it again as if it was a hurting child. Be kind. In this way hatred becomes a teacher showing you the dynamics of the mind and body. You begin to see more clearly what you truly are, and are not.


  • truthsearcher

    Only you can say where you are in the process, but I think that by understanding why JWs do what they do (they are blinded, brain-washed, sincerely think they are serving Jehovah) then can you move forward to actually forgiving them for their sincere but misguided actions, and then even to love them? When the JWs come to my door, I try and show them love--which they believe can't be found outside of the org--but they are wrong!

    What about channeling your strong feelings into trying to help them see the truth? Or get involved in some activism?

    Long term hatred will lead to health results--and you don't want to give the org any more negative impact on your life than they have already had.

    Just some suggestions but I might be way off. I do hope you can find some peace


  • ex-nj-jw

    Thanks everyone,

    I'm so glad a found this board, gives me somewhere to channel all my feelings!!!

    I appreciate your comments, so keep em coming!!

  • oldflame

    I can relate with this issue. Even though I do not have much time involved with the witnesses I have learned so much from places like this discussion board that I have grown to hate it also. Not so much the people as the cult itself. It has left a bitterness in me because what this cult has done to my family. It really sucks living in the same town as my mother and never speaking to her. So I do understand fully how it feels.

  • RAF

    Welcome !

    I guess you'll have more benefit to vent (to get your bad feelings out) than hating anything ...
    it's good to not forget (reminders for yourself and others) but it's also good to forgive (hating only pisse yourself off)

  • thetrueone

    Send them this...........No thank you, do to my honesty and personal intregrity I rather not serve and support a obviously corrupt and hypocritical corporation as the WTS.

    I've born witness to the personal damage it causes individuals and testified to the false prophesying business for what it is structured on. Now that I'm free of it's

    manipulative slavery I can say with certainey I will never again be a slave to such blatant corruption. I've cast down the disgusting thing, so now my mind is clear,

    my soul is full of purity and honesty, ......... my heart is happy again !

    The truth has set me free.......won't you please give the truth a chance it might help you too ?

    Best regards...... agape love ,

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Welcome, ex-nj-jw! I'm so sorry for how you are feeling; many here truly understand.

    There is a book I have read that helps so much with the emotional repercussions of being a part of this religion. If you would like to know about it, send me a PM.

    I just ordered copies for some people close to me who also were raised JW's because I feel so strongly in what its message is. It's similar to what someone else on this thread wrote about some counseling they got.

    I have been in therapy for over a year now and that has helped me so much with my feelings towards what has happened in my family. Have you tried that? It could really help you.

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