I think there on to me...

by thebiggestlie 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • thebiggestlie

    It might be hard to convince them of that as a pretty big portion of my research was about the FDS and the GB and how there was no gb in the 1st centurey and the council of Jerusalem set no precedent and what-not...I haven't been confronted yet which is a good thing i guess. I get to brush up on my stand. My dad gets to load his arsenal to i suppose. I hope this goes peaceful as he has the tendency to have somewhat of a temper.... Thanks for all your advice though its top notch...

  • What-A-Coincidence

    sorry to hear about that bro. my heart goes out.


    seems like it might be too painful to move out...if so, admit you were wrong, tell them what you have read is really false...bla bla bla.

    Thus leave when u are ready to. Remember, they are victims of victims. get acopy of steve hassans books on cults

  • OnTheWayOut

    It sounds like you are ready to face their music.
    If you decide that you don't want to face it, you could follow the lead of
    your parents- if they say let this be the end of this, then while you are in their
    home, it might be easy to say, "Fine, this is the end of this (for now)."

    That is only one suggestion IF you want to keep the status quo.

  • rebel8
    When i got home my mother was crying in her room. My father was acting weird to

    Let's hope the explanation for their behavior is not disappointment in you but rather realization that the religion they taught you is a lie.

  • onlycurious

    Are you a Senior being homeschooled? Do you have a job? Do you have your own means of transportation?

    I say play it cool until you able to get your ducks in a row and live on your own. Think about your future. Patience is a virtue and just suck up the phoniness of it all for a season in your life.

    Perhaps there is someone on this board that is near you....that would be helpful too.

  • onlycurious

    Lisa...You are AWESOME!


    See, you have a cyber family growing underneath your feet.

  • anewme

    Sorry kiddo. You made a mistake to leave info out.

    If you do not feel ready to face the music, then try to minimize the damage and the perceived rebellion on your part and do some fancy talking to buy you more time.

    Make some concessions and apologize if need be and let the excitement die down.

    Im all for fading and avoiding dfing if at all possible for everyones sake.

  • SirNose586
    Yep : SirNose586... but I would considere what Nicolaus said too ... (it's important to make them feel good about your state of mind).

    Thanks, RAF and Crumpet. If there's one thing I know how to do, it's weasel my way out of tight situations...Nic's strategy is good, too. I'm not much one for considering the emotional aspect of confrontation, merely the strategem I will use to get myself out of trouble.

    Well, so that's what they found, eh? Well biggestlie, I don't know if you're in a position to take in one more piece of literature, but if you do, then I suggest downloading a copy of Captives of a Concept for $5. If you need to brush up on why the "1919 examination by Jesus" would never have occurred to the WTS's benefit, and why all WTS claims to authority are null and void, then read this .pdf.

    It takes the position that the examination of 1919 was a real event. Of course, I know there was no such thing as the 1919 examination, but the whole subject of the book examines each particular teaching of Russel and Rutherford up until the examination. By the Watchtower's own criteria, there is no way that the Society could be chosen as the faithful slave. There are references all over the place. It helped to destroy some arguments that often come up in regard to this discussion:

    Argument: "Jesus chose the WTS in 1919 because only their teachings were right at the time."

    Rebuttle: "How could that be? In 1919, the WTS was teaching that Jesus came in 1874, and that 1925 would mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We now know that those ideas were false. Why would Jesus pick the Society if, by their own criteria, what they were teaching was not correct?

    Argument: "Well, at the time we were in Babylonish captivity. The ideas were still in Satan's organization. Jesus knew this and after we were chosen, we began to break the bonds of captivity."

    Rebuttle: "But that makes no sense. If Jesus were chosing a religion out of Satan's organization, and we were still in it, then the WTS has no right to claim that they were chosen if everyone's teachings were wrong at the time. Jesus never said he'd pick a group based on how they would change. He made an examination, and either they were up to scrutiny, or not worthy. You haven't established how the WTS was different from other organizations."

    Argument: "C.T. Russel and his students were excellent Bible students. It was their search that led Jesus to pick the WTS as the 'slave class' in 1919."

    Rebuttle: "I'm sorry, but that just doesn't hold up. Most of what CTR taught was based on Adventist theology and pyramidology. It was all changed later."

    Argument: "Well, even if everyone had false ideas, then surely Jesus respected the fact that the Bible Students didn't get involved in WWI."

    Rebuttle: "That conveniently avoids other Christian groups such as the Shakers, Quakers, and Christadelphians who were also pacifists."

    Argument: "We were the only ones looking forward to 1914."

    Rebuttle: "CTR taught that 1914 was the END of this system of things, as the last days had begun in 1799 and Christ was present since 1874. CTR got his date from pyramidology. How would Jesus approve of conclusions reached by not searching in the Bible? Furthermore, when did Jesus say his followers should be preoccupied with trying to determine his return by making interpretations of prophecy? Jesus said not to follow people who said, "The due time has approached" (Luke 21:8). What gives the WTS the right to say this over and over again, and escape punishment?"

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan


    You've got lots of good advice, I just want to add one important thing to it all and that is to take your time.

    A few months back I had the idea that I could present good research to some JW friends and that it could help them see the light. I spent hours and hours on this research, and it is good stuff. The sad thing was none of it made much of an effect because I haden't learned everything about talking with JWs. I'm sure you are in the same spot now. Its better to recognize this is going to be a learning process and go at it slow and easy. Still doing some JW activities and such (probablly less but still doing).

    Most JWs don't care about research. If you go to your dad (or any other JW) like most of us have done they will look at your research and go 'who needs research, the FDS does it all for us and I think they are right, so your research means nothing'.

    Better to study what your parents doubts are and then come at them from that angle imo. If a conversation comes up just direct it all to them. Make them answer the questions. "Have you ever had dobuts dad?" "What specifically did you have doubts with?"

    Talking to JWs is a learning expierance, don't spoil the good relationship you have with your parents to 'make a point' because it will have no effect. Care and compassion work much better than heated arguments.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    it seems your a minor child under 18. i would find a way to contact child services. and start going to regular public school. your lucky your young. your parents sound like nuts (sorry). i would lay all this on child welfare services, at your age. what ever happens your allready out of the wt. i'm very sorry for you. but you better make a stand now. or you will be a 40 year old pioneer living with mom and dad. john

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