As time goes by, are there more inactive JW's?

by JH 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    The Watchtower is in black and white. You're IN or you're OUT

    But when you become inactive and don't go to meetings for years, you're not IN and you're not OUT, because you still have to live under their rules.

    But as time goes by, I'm sure that there are more inactive people than previously and the IN and OUT, black and white seperation is diluting.

    Maybe their Black and White way of seperating JW's will become more and more Black and Gray and White.

  • JH

    Of course there are more Apostates than before, but they are not JW's anymore.

    What i,m talking about is Inactive people, diluting the black and white Organization.

  • Rooster

    I was born & raised a JW. In the last five years my wife, brother, sister's & their husbands have left.

  • Lumptard

    It certainly seems that way...

  • greendawn

    Who can tell ratty? That's a question only those that still attend the KHs will know, from what they observe and from the general gossip. My idea is that as the final generation ceased to be final a lot of dubs will lose incentive because that's the main belief that keeps them in and preaching.

  • Blueblades

    When you fail to fill out a field service report for 6 months, then you are counted as inactive. So, the field service overseer and the secretary along with the book study overseer know how many in the congregation are counted as inactive. Missing a month here and there means that you are an irregular publisher.

    The way the meetings have been going with the do more theme, and the constant bellowing in the Watchtower study about the need to go door to door,and other ways to do more field service, suggests that many are slowing down and are both irregular and inactive. The Kingdom Ministry each month gives the report, how accurate is it, we don't know. They have been known to fudge the numbers in their favor.


  • mia_b

    in countries where there is 0% increase or even decreases there must be more inactive than active. once youre inactive for over 6 months and not going to meetings and stuff they dont regard u as a witness even though not da or df. you can do whatever you want then and they cant to anything

  • JH
    dont regard u as a witness even though not da or df. you can do whatever you want then and they cant to anything

    I disagree with half of what you said.

    It's true that they don't consider you a good JW, but they still called me brother when they met me.

    When you say you can do whatever you want and they can't do anything, well yes they can.....They can Disfellowship you !!!

  • jaguarbass

    I don't think witnesses can see grey.

  • Warlock
    I don't think witnesses can see grey.

    When they judge you, it's black and white.

    When the judge themselves, all they see is grey.


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