As time goes by, are there more inactive JW's?

by JH 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • avidbiblereader

    I am sure that it is a number that wont be published with either accuracy or at all as it will cause such discouragement among the seat warmers

    Acts 5:36-38 For instance, before these days Theu´das rose, saying he himself was somebody, and a number of men, about four hundred, joined his party. But he was done away with, and all those who were obeying him were dispersed and came to nothing. 37 After him Judas the Gal·i·le´an rose in the days of the registration, and he drew off people after him. And yet that man perished, and all those who were obeying him were scattered abroad. 38 And so, under the present circumstances, I say to YOU , Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; (because, if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown;

    Time will tell!!!!


  • fullofdoubtnow

    I would think so. There certainly seem to less in the ministry these days, and they seem to around here less frequently. There are definitely less attending the meetings now. When Trev left in 1999, the average attendance at our hall was 120 - 130 for Sundays. By the time I left in 2005, it was 70 - 80. Some had died or moved, but quite a few had stopped attending. From what I hear, it's even less now.

  • JWdaughter

    I drove by my old KH a few weeks ago. It was 10 min. before the meeting was to start on school/Service mtg. night. There were maybe 5 cars in the parking lot. I remember when I was a kid and we would have to get there early in order to find a place to park since the lot was so inadequate that at times they had cars lined up like on a ferry boat! When do they get the magazines? Gossip? do last minute mtg. prep for talks? This hall was expanded after I left and now they can't even get all the elders and MS servants there early?

  • The salmon
    The salmon

    Its a strange on this. I know of a 'Sister' who fell away for years. Was known to be a smoker. yet still attends memorials and nothing is said or done to her.

    However, I on the other hand have stopped attending, admit that I have a light smoking habit, and theyre after me. Case of jump ship or be pushed...... So I have just jumped.

    These people need to control the minds of attendees. Youre not to have an opinion that goes against what they say.

    Get out! is what I would say to anybody!

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