Hi Truthseeker, sorry about what's happening. I haven't gone to the kingdom hall in almost a year (other than a couple random times for the purpose of seeing how they'd treat me ). Well, I was in line at the store buying some food for the superbowl when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and it is a woman from the hall. This is what I hate (keep in mind that my parents dissasociated themselves last year). She asked how my little brother was, nobody else in my family, just my little brother. I have a tendency to not be mean to people, but I wish I said, "Actually, my whole family is great, thanks for asking." I will definitely say that next time.
So Truthseeker, are they treating your wife the same way? I swear I'll go to the kingdom hall after drinking a bit one day and say whatever is on my mind! (But try not to make it obvious that I'm drunk or I'll get couseled. Lol. Oh yeah, and if they ever want to talk to me after a meeting if I ever went again, I'm not talking in the back room!
But don't take it personally Truthseeker, they are so totally brainwashed and weird, it's not your fault.