Sex in the Organization

by Save My Soul 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • aniron

    I was a JW for getting 30 years. Served congregation for the last ten. DA'd 7 years ago.

    I became a JW in early 70's. The congregation was a pretty good one, very "spiritual" by WT standards.

    When I became a MS I stared to learn that things were not all that "spiritual" under the surface.

    Two or three of the Elders used to tell me things that were going on within the congregation, they thought I would eventually be an ELder so I might as well know.

    Apart from pointing out which brother or sister who were alcoholics. One sister was regularly found flat out on the floor at home with a couple of bottles of vodka. Others sisters on Prozac or Valium etc.

    As to "Sex in the Organisation" one year we had a spate of weddings probably about 10-12. Ages range from late teens to mid-30's. I was talking to an Elder at one of the receptions might have been the last one. I remarked about the number of weddings there had been that year. The Elder said yes there had been, then said "Yeah and not a single one was a virgin at the ceremony" I asked how he knew he said "I asked them. But as long as they were getting married I wasn't bothered."

    Just before I left a brother was DF'd. He was also a MS, pioneer, and married with a family. He was a window cleaner (surprise) and it seems that he was cleaning more than windows with some of his lady customers. I think he was only found out when one of the husbands came round to KH one day.

    In another congregation I was in for a while they had a pioneer sister, early 20's. She was always held up as an example to rest of congregation and was often used in assembly programs. About a couple of months after I left that congregation, I was told she had been DF'd. It turned out that this "spiritual" sister had been having an affair with the boss of the firm she worked part-time for, for about 2-3 years.

    An Elders daughter got pregnant before marriage, she and the JW brother were only "reproved". The eldest son an MS, of same Elder, ran off with some "worldly" girl and got married. I learnt later that another daugther was said to have had sex with a few of the brothers in the KH. Yet the father still continued to be an Elder!

    After I had stopped going to meetings etc. I would occasionally get phone calls from brothers keeping me up to date whats going on.

    Did I hear about XXXX and YYYY congregation, which were about 5 miles away from me. Some Elders and MS had been involved in wife-swapping!!!

    Did I know why Brother A and his family had moved away. Because their 18/19 yr old son was being accused of being a child molester! Then they had trouble with him in the area they moved to.

    Did I know that Brother B, an MS had come out as being Gay.

    The thing is also that my own childen knew about the above two for years. But the young ones in the congregations tend to keep such things to themselves.

    Two JW brothers who I had known for years, now in their late 20's, turned out to be gay lovers. They had been since they were about 16/17. Again they were thought of a being "fine spiritual brothers" pioneers, one an MS.

    I still get the odd e-mail saying "Did you hear about..."

    "Jehovahs clean organisation." Just don't lift the rock you never know what you will find underneath.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Yeah I heard about some of those "good Christian" sisters but I never met any myself. Just ones like my ex, which thought that loose conduct was holding hands. Will

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