My assertions need not be proved except in a laboratory. I don't live in a laboratory. I don't work in one, either. You cannot attempt to compel my acceptance of the standards imposed by the scientific method any more than I can attempt to compel your acceptance of the standards imposed by Christ.
Good point. Why is it that atheists attempt to apply the scientific method in all the wrong places? I mean what would they find if instead of applying it to something Infinite (and thus pointless) they attempted to apply the same dogged reasoning to things that might actually yield some the social engineers, policy makers and commercial marketers/advertisers that make up the pool of knowledge of good and bad that directs them? What would they find if they applied their perfectly functioning and intelligent minds to the problem of why they (myself included) themselves cannot fulfill the moral standards that they set for themselves?
They would be forced to conclude:
(1) The human species cannot know of their own what is good and bad.
(2) Even when they do "know", they cannot do it and thus avoid the hypocrisy of meteing out punishment to others guilty of the same moral lapses.
(3) Freedom is relative, and we will always need a source for moral knowledge.
(4) The sources that we erect are highly subject to manipulation.
(5) We will always be in servitude to the source we choose.
(6) We need Someone with enough authority to pronounce "absolvo" on our behalf and releive us of our guilt.
(7) Even if we are pronounced "not guilty" we need an instrument that can bridge the utilitarian gap between what we choose as good and what we do.
Now some may criticize me for even bringing up such realities. There is a point to be made there. As a parent, do I really want young athesists seeing the ultimate meaninglessness of fallen human existence, disconnecting from their social conditioning, and shooting little girls in the head when they confess Jesus as their Source, as a coouple of young students did at Columbine High School? Heavens no! Peoples' illusions are useful to themselves, their families and their neighbors.
However, when a Christian gives his testimony of regeneration, please don't imagine yourself as somehow morally superior, or intellectually astute when you can't even explain to this board how you can "know" your left hand from your right.