what the hell is up ...

by BlackSwan of Memphis 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    with these

    Is < > dangerous?

    It's not Atheists, Christians, Buddhists, Pagans...I'm not singling out any one group.

    Religion is so evil. Atheism is so stupid. etc etc etc

    I don't want to say "I'm right about this and you guys are wrong."

    I just can't help but think, that discussions like this serve to divide further a human population we want to strive to pull together.

    Despite popular opinion, many God fearing people know exactly what "religion" has done, yet work within the confines of their own religion to work for the greater good, because they find it to be a useable vehicle.

    And despite popular opinion, many Atheists are wonderful individuals who as well don't seek to destroy the faiths of others yet seek to work together with them in creating a peaceful world community.

    By continually pointing out the faults in specific groups of people, aren't we just breaking down what we want to build up? I'm not saying that I'm perfect at this and don't have my times and my faults. I just wonder if we should be seeking to find common ground, rather then seeking to make the dividing lines blacker and if it's a group effort that we pull one another up when we're feeling down and destructive, not lighting the torches.

    Just a couple of thoughts.

  • avidbiblereader
    By continually pointing out the faults in specific groups of people, aren't we just breaking down what we want to build up?

    Very good point, in a world so divided it is good to see when men and women can put away their differences for the benefit of others including themselves.

    Yesterday I was working with a Muslim who is in the USA army, as he said it is not about who is right or wrong but rather that we can put away the differences and work together for what we are------- the HUMAN FAMILY. It is not about who is right as we are all probably wrong on so many points but rather developing love for each other and waiting on God to straighten this whole mess out and trying to be the best in our family as we are all related one way or another.

    Good subject and thanks.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    Very good point, in a world so divided it is good to see when men and women can put away their differences for the benefit of others including themselves.

    Can. Good choice of wording. It is possible to put away differences and work for the benefit of others. We might disagree how to achieve this, but the reality is we Can choose to put away differences and work for the greater good. It Is possible.

    Ya know abr...

    A while back I had to start making some choices about how to deal with my family (jw). And what has haunted me, day in and day out, is at what point do I try so hard to be so different from them, that in the end I am no different?

  • LittleToe

    You're dangerous, aren't you?!! My Momma told me about people like you

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    You're dangerous, aren't you?!! My Momma told me about people like you

    Positively evil

  • LittleToe

    Yippee!!! Thankn you Momma!!!

  • outnfree

    Just a quick <<Muah>> for BSoM -- and run!

    Gotta stop reading the board and go do my homework!

    I 've gotta say that one of the things I've enjoyed most over the years of participating on this board is the diversity of direction that various ex-Dubs have taken. It's a wonderful potpourri of ideas, beliefs, lifestyles. What is most important, in my not so humble opinion, is AUTHENTICITY. I don't care for labels. I care that people are comfortable in whatever self-realization about themselves they've come to, or that they're working on it. I say live and let live as long as the works promoted don't seek to impose beliefs on others or to hurt others with lawless, unkind acts.

    LOVE is still the answer. Always.

    Lovin' YOU, kiddo!


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    Yippee!!! Thankn you Momma!!!


    Just a quick < > for BSoM -- and run!

    Muah back. Although now you're doing homework.

    I 've gotta say that one of the things I've enjoyed most over the years of participating on this board is the diversity of direction that various ex-Dubs have taken. It's a wonderful potpourri of ideas, beliefs, lifestyles. What is most important, in my not so humble opinion, is AUTHENTICITY. I don't care for labels. I care that people are comfortable in whatever self-realization about themselves they've come to, or that they're working on it. I say live and let live as long as the works promoted don't seek to impose beliefs on others or to hurt others with lawless, unkind acts.

    1) It is truly a wonderfuly potpurri of ideas and beliefs and lifestyles. Isn't that what leaving the JW's is about? Yet So often on this board I talk to people privately and they are downright afraid of sharing some of the newfound beliefs for fear of being taunted by others. Isn't that what we were locked into in the witnesses?

    2) I don't like labels either. Even for myself, I have really hesitated in wanting to say I'm pagan, or agnostic or anything. I'm learning. I'm living each day and absorbing a new viewpoint. I don't want to lock myself into anything. I love some of you so much, for the simple fact that You are the ones who have taught me that life is learning and never say never. When I label myself or others, it's in a way locking us in to a group. Rather then just being the beautiful individuals we were born to be, regardless of where our personal philosophies would take us.

    3) I think you're right about the works. Hm, we could start a whole new thread on the concept of good and evil. Now That would be an intersting thread.

    LOVE is still the answer. Always.

    Ok well you said it....

    The Beatles

    Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
    There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
    Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
    Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
    It's easy.
    There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
    No one you can save that can't be saved.
    Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be in time
    It's easy.
    All you need is love, all you need is love,
    All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
    Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
    All you need is love, all you need is love,
    All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
    There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
    Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
    Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
    It's easy.
    All you need is love, all you need is love,
    All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
    All you need is love (all together now)
    All you need is love (everybody)
    All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

  • avidbiblereader

    Thank you BSof M, in looking at your follow up post one thing that I learned from going through therapy and I try hard to live by this rule and many times it is extremely difficult and I can find myself slipping into old thinking patterns if not kept in check is stated below your comment

    A while back I had to start making some choices about how to deal with my family (jw). And what has haunted me, day in and day out, is at what point do I try so hard to be so different from them, that in the end I am no different?


    No matter how we are treated, looked at, thought of, spoken about, it comes down to allowing others to influence us either for good or bad, it is all about choices, but I love the idea of working together for the benefit of others. Kind of like the Coke commerical

    "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony"


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis



    Hey that post brought this image to my head of people worshipping a bottle of coke, sorta like that movie from the 70's, The Gods Must Be Crazy.

    Anyway, Abr:


    Seriously, I think this is an interesting point. At first I was going to say, this can be good and this can be bad. But really, we don't want to be so easily inluenced by others that our own sense of reason is dulled. That could have disastrous consequences. I think of history and images of concentration camps and war come to mind.

    "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony"

    I often wonder if we as the human race made that our ultimate goal and stopped saying, we can't do this, and started saying This Is Possible, what would be the outcome?

    Maybe one person might think it takes a Divine intervention, yet another human intervention (so to speak). BUT if we simply just put it in our hearts, put it in our minds, made it our mantra. What could be the outcome?

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