I was counseled several times in the late 80's about "shaving my head" and "weightlifing".
It seems the weightlifitng and strict dieting was offending some of the friends who equated my education, outspoken manner, and physical fitness with having a "bad unchristian attitude".
I was told by an elder (whom I still love dearly) that my grooming was radical and did not appear religious.
So, here I am, college graduate, decorated combat veteran, former prison inmate, avid health nut, serving in an "inner city" urban congregation, where I am the only person of mediterranean origin and yet I am making eveyone else uncomfortable.
I distinctly remember elder's children wearing "baggy and droopy" clothing and dancing much more provocatively than children in less integrated congregations. I remember the extra tight dresses and skirts worn in those congregations that pulled your eyes like a 1 million volt powered magnet. If you fancy women of color (as I do) this hall would have been the "Yo MTV Raps" of the circuit.
Anyway, there was far too much activity occurring for me or my shaved head to be any sort of a distraction. Besides, in the summer I tan so dark that I am always asked if I am Cuban or Puerto Rican anyway.
I saw many men of color in the "truth" with clean shaven heads. It was a double standard directed at me personally.