Something is in the basement...

by frozen one 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthsearcher

    Listen, if I were a bird these frozen days, I would find a way to get in to a nice warm cosy house, cat or no cat!

  • Warlock

    It's a bird demon! What other explanation is there?


  • Outaservice



  • frozen one
    frozen one

    I looked at the chimney again. If that bird dropped in from the roof and then managed to work its way through the water heater or boiler, that bird is the Houdini of the bird world. It was a fairly large bird about the size of a blackbird (it wasn't a blackbird, maybe a grackle?). I looked at the dryer vent. The flapper is working on the outside and if it did get through the vent I don't know how it would have gotten through the dryer.

    It has been cold here so I don't fault the bird for getting in. I have a heated bird bath that gets heaps of visits. A couple of neighborhood stray cats have been enjoying the heated cat shelter out back during this cold snap. Those two have been trying to sneak into the house but I don't think my cats would appreciate it much if they made it in.

    The demons must have let it in... Now you're trying to scare me. Maybe because I just lounge around on Sunday mornings instead of sitting in the kh, Jehovah sent a bird into my basement as a sign of things to come.

  • MsMcDucket

    When I had a house with a basement, a bird got in. We think it came down the chimney. I had to get the darn bird out. We had no latch type door to open. The door was up the stairs. So, I go down there with a fishing net. I screamed the whole time I was trying to catch that bird. It was flying at me like a jet. I finally got the bird into the net and took it upstairs and let it go.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I've had birds in the basement before. The first one actually made it into the furnace. I knew it was in there, could see it. I went out to the garage and rummaged around for a screwdriver to take off the cover plate. I got it off, but still the bird wouldn't come out. I put a stick in there for it to climb up - but no luck. The poor thing died in there. Hubby had to reach in and take it out when he got home. I told him to make sure the chimney was secured so it wouldn't happen again - he assured me it was a one time thing, there was a screen on the top yadda yadda yadda.

    What happend the next morning?????? Another bird, this time hubby had left the access hole uncovered from the day before and it fortunately didn't end up in the furnace. I knew the bird was there, but I still ended up screaming when it flew at me!! I had the door propped open and shoooed it outside.


  • Stealth453

    I had a similar thing happen to me about 30 years ago. The only diff was I brought a 12 guage, shoots-pistol with me, and when the damned bird fluttered by, I shot a 3 foot hole in my living room floor.

  • UnConfused

    Dammit - I was so hoping that it was the Creature from the Black Lagoon and that members of your family were eaten and you were trapped with only a link to the outside world with this forum and we got to follow the progress as you were hunted down and eaten.

    My bad.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    I had a similar thing happen to me about 30 years ago. The only diff was I brought a 12 guage, shoots-pistol with me, and when the damned bird fluttered by, I shot a 3 foot hole in my living room floor.

    That is just too funny!!! BB

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once




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