Heh...the thing about shooting a hole in the floor reminds me of when I used to do security work...cars were vanishing from a new car lot, so my company was hired to investigate...we planted a guy with a shotgun in the back of a brandnew van, the thieves happened to pick that van to break into, and scared the sh*t out of him because he was on the verge of dozing off...to make a long story short, the brand new van ended up with a hole in the roof, the thieves ran like hell, and my company lost the contract for that car lot.
Something is in the basement...
by frozen one 24 Replies latest jw friends
It is now...it wasn't then. I stood there making noises only dogs and dolphins could hear.
But the van now came equiped with a sunroof.
It was a demon!!
Your stories are so funny, lol!
It has been cold here so I don't fault the bird for getting in. I have a heated bird bath that gets heaps of visits. A couple of neighborhood stray cats have been enjoying the heated cat shelter out back during this cold snap. Those two have been trying to sneak into the house but I don't think my cats would appreciate it much if they made it in.
A heated bird bath? Is that like a hot tub for birds? A heated cat shelter? Sounds like a feline sauna. No wonder you are having stray visitors: the word has gotten around the animal kingdom that you are the place to go for some tropical R&R (sort of like when the Canadians go to Florida for the winter).
TS (who also screams when birds and bats fly around the house)